Ch 1: Meeting Again.

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A/N: This will be a short story. I'm letting you guys know ahead of time.


"Excuse me." The gorgeous brunette presented her with a winning smile. "Jisoo, was it?"

Jisoo's gaze shifted nervously to the door where the last of her coworkers were hurriedly trickling out of the large conference room. She swallowed audibly when the door closed with an ominous click. Her anxious brown orbs returned to the smiling beauty and she nodded. She hoped to whatever higher power there was that the woman wouldn't bring up their little encounter.

Dark, calculating eyes scanned the emptying hall through the large windows. Seemingly satisfied with the fact that she had the terrified purple haired girl completely alone, her charming smile melted into a frightful frown. She settled her unnervingly venomous gaze upon the jittery girl and gestured authoritatively to the empty seat across from her. "Sit."

Her vicious glare had Jisoo's eyes widening and her stomach tying into troubling knots. Under the scrutiny of that glare Jisoo couldn't find the courage to question the brunette. She simply followed the instruction. Her heart hammering so hard against her ribcage she was sure it was going to explode.

"You and I are going to have words." The brunette remained standing. Dark eyes etching scorch marks across Jisoo's skin as they roved her figure as if sizing the other woman up. "Understood?"

"Listen... Jennie?" Jisoo tried for a sheepish smile. Hoping to ease the wrath burning so plainly in the brunette's dark eyes. "I think we maybe got off on the wrong foot and-"

"That is an understatement. Fact is, Jisoo," Jennie's brown eyes narrowed menacingly. "I don't like you very much."

Sufficiently offended by the statement, the tentative smile across Jisoo's lips disappeared. Her cheeks flushed with both aggravation and embarrassment.

"Is it because I didn't accept the not so exclusive invitation into your pants or because your head is so far up your butt you didn't see me standing right in front of you and used my delicious coffee to ruin your ruffle-y ruffle shirt?"

Jennie's frown deepened, she tilted her head and shot Jisoo a, 'oh no you fucking didn't' look.

"Hmm. I don't know. Maybe it was the whole you ruining one of the best orgasms of my life thing. I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to dislike the perverted stranger who watched-"

"Well maybe you should learn how to use a lock!" Jisoo jolted out of her chair, palms meeting the hard wood of the conference table.

The pretty pink flush across her cheeks had meandered lower at the mention of the humiliating incident. She'd never felt so flustered, so furious with someone in her entire life. She could feel the strange sensation of her irritation mixing with her embarrassment, sending her blood boiling and her stomach churning in the most unpleasant of ways.

"And maybe you should learn some damn manners!" Jennie's exotic features twisted into an attractively menacing scowl. "What kind of moron doesn't have the sense to-"

Jisoo swiveled away from the brunette. Striding angrily toward the exit as the memory of the entirely unpleasant encounter came rushing back to her.

This is not happening. Jisoo thinks.

The thought played on repeat through her scrambled mind. Over and over and over as if trying and epically failing to drown out the sound and why in the world was she still standing there like an idiot and watching. It was like a horrific car crash. The scene before her shouldn't be so disgustingly intriguing. She should be looking away, walking away, going as far away as possible. Not standing there staring into a complete stranger's dark, menacing eyes. Not listening to the sounds that... her gaze dropped from that bone chilling glare to the other woman kneeling on the dirty bathroom tile and how was she doing that with her tongue?

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