The Proposal - Part Six: Delicious | S M U T

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*S M U T*

By the time they got back, Tasha had taken up Connor's offer and was being held in his arms as he trudged through the tall snow drifts. Connor made sure he was running warmer to keep her body temperature at a perfect level.

Connor, being the expert cook he was, made one of Tasha's favorite meals: baked spaghetti with calamari.

"Oh, this is delicious, Connor." Tasha closed her eyes as she savoured the taste.

Connor smiled, "I'm very glad you enjoy it. I did as you suggested and put my own... 'twist' on the recipe."

"Mmmmm! Well whatever you did was fucking perfect, Con."

"You haven't even had dessert yet, my love."


Tasha smiled as he brought out a tray of chocolate covered strawberries, with a bowl of liquified chocolate to add more on if desired. "Aw, Connor, you didn't have to—"

"Our anniversary is tomorrow. You deserve these things." Connor held out a strawberry to her, holding it up to her lips. "Try it."

Tasha hummed playfully, letting her tongue trace the edge of the fruit, which made her also lick the side of his finger. Connor's LED flashed yellow as his brown eyes stared into her green ones, not once looking away as she wrapped her mouth around his fingers, pulling the fruit into her mouth as she pulled away from his fingers.

"Hmm, these are delicious." Tasha smirked when she noticed Connor's cheeks were blue and his LED was still whirring. Without another word, Tasha lifted another strawberry to her mouth, running her tongue along it slowly. Connor's eyes never left her as she put her fingers and the fruit into her mouth, the action sending an intense shiver down Connor's back.

Tasha tried to keep from smirking, but she couldn't help it when she leaned over the table slightly, holding a strawberry in front of his lips. "Try one."

Connor's eyes were dark with lust as he let his fingers wrap around her wrist, tugging her towards him. He hummed in appreciation as he brought the fruit to his lips, licking up her index finger for a moment before completely wrapping his mouth around her fingers, slowly taking the fruit from between them. He slowly let go of her fingers with a pop, chewing on the food. While he didn't need food, he could appreciate some human food items.

"You're right." Connor hummed again, his grip on Tasha tighter as he brought her fingers back to his mouth. "They are delicious."

Tasha opened up her mouth to speak but was silenced when Connor took her finger into his mouth, moving his tongue along the smooth flesh. His tongue was different ever so slightly than a humans, which would always send shivers down her spine. It made it all the more intense.

Tasha's eyes widened slightly as she felt his teeth graze her finger. She bit her lip, attempting to hold back the sounds she was dying to make. The way Connor was staring at her made her head feel heavy, like at any moment it could fall right off.

Tasha let out a whimper as Connor brought a second finger into his mouth, this time sucking them harder, causing Tasha to shake her arm against the table slightly.

"What was that, darling?" Connor asked against her fingers, stopping his movement for the moment.

"I— CONNOR!" Tasha gasped as he pulled her onto his lap, making it so she was straddling him. She could feel his arousal against her heat, making her crave him all the more.

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