Never Yield

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The soldier's cold demeanor showed throughout lunch, their quiet whispers and hard glare towards Emmy, made it obvious that whatever rumor was said about her completely ruined all the hard work she put in the last few months to get know and get along with them.

She felt completely alone in a room full of people and yet, the man who sat next to her, held on to her hand the whole time, letting her know, that she wasn't alone. She still had him and he was her lifeline.

From beside Seoras, Gengrick could not stand the ill treatment that Emmy was receiving. He harshly stared down at any man who gave Emmy a death stare. His aura became dark as he memorized each man who even thought about hurting Emmy. His mood became angrier and angrier as he watch the men that trained with her, fought beside her, and became stronger soldiers because of her all turned their backs on her.

"Worthless scum!" Gengrick shouted as he could no longer endure their tratrious ways. He quickly stood up and ordered them out of the dining hall, punishing them for believing the lies about Emmy and quickly jumping to conclusions without evidence. "500 laps around the keep! 300 sword swings. 200 arrows must hit the target. 100 laps around the lake. If anyone of you are unable to complete this, then you can just pack up and leave, we don't need your weakness in our army!"

The soldiers all looked at Gengrick for a moment before they quickly realized that he wasn't joking. They immediately stood up and began to rush out of the hall to begin their punishment. Even though they didn't know why they were being punished, they still went.

As the room began to empty out, Emmy stood up and wiped her mouth. Since Gengrick issued an order, she should also join in as well. Gengrick suddenly panicked as he saw through Emmy's intention to join the soldiers.

"My Lady." Gengrick quickly said stopping her. "You do not have to.... I did not mean for you to..."

Gengrick stumbled over the words he wanted to say to her. Emmy waved her hand to dismiss his words as she walked along with the crowd to join them in their punishment. When Seoras began training her to become stronger, she swore to herself that she would never give up. Whatever challenges that may face her, she would face it head on and never yield.

She would show these men who looked down on her and let them know that she can do what they could do. And not could she do what they can do, but she'll do it better. She'll be the best. She'll stand at the top, looking down on them as they regret being so easily deceived and led astray. By the time they realize the truth, she'll not care for their opinion, for she'll beyond their reach and sight.

She could only rely on her strength in this dog eat dog world. Once she stood at the top, it wouldn't matter what they say about her. For her truth, would become the truth. She would do what she wanted to do, say what she wanted to say and no one could stop her. No one would dare to start a rumor about her without fearing their own death.

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