Chapter 2

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"I'm never doing this again. No more 5 minuet shit. Bye babe I love you see you later"

"Sorry babe. I love you byeee"
And then Logan left and made his way to work
After Logan had left I spent 20 more minuets in bed, I decided to get up throw on the maverick hoodie I was wearing before and go downstairs. As Logan was going to set he was just gonna do a selfie vlog so Spencer was still here

Spencer: "I'm guessing it's your fault logan was late today" he laughed
Y/n: "if your thinking that we had sex. We didn't" I slapped Spencer on top of his head lightly and went to go make some coffee. Me and Spencer have been really close since I got to know him, he's one of my closest friends and we could always joke about stuff
Spencer: "wanna take some pictures today"

Y/n: "yeah why not, can we do a beach shoot"

Spencer: "100%, I've wanted to go to the beach for ages anyways so how about we leave in an hour"

Y/n: "yeah okay I'm just gonna go In the shower then I'll be ready" I left the coffee mug on the table and went upstairs to have a shower. When I finished showering I left my hair down and only put on some waterproof mascara. I was pretty confident in my face so I don't always feel the need to wear makeup unless we're going to some fancy dinner. I put on my bikini and then throw on some short shorts and a crop top.
"You ready to go?" I said walking down the stairs

"Yep lemme just grab my camera" Spencer went to grab his camera, I got the car keys and then we headed straight to the beach.

When we got to the beach we took so many photos and I think they turned out amazing

"Can I see?" I asked gesturing my hand out to grab the camera

"Sure" we looked through the photos and they were probably some of the nicest photos of me

"Wanna go in the water for a while"

"Race you there" me and Spencer raced to the water and of course he won as he is a lot faster than me. We stayed in ocean for quite some time and it was almost time for when Logan arrived home so we decided to finish up. As we were walking out of the water a massive wave came and crashed me and Spencer which ended up with Spencer basically on top of me.
"Oh sorry" he said awkwardly
"It's fine, it's not your fault" Spencer got up from above me and we headed straight back home

When we pulled up the the drive way Logan's car was already there so we knew he was home. Only I got out of the car because Spencer was going to his apartment

Spencer: "I'll edit and email the photos to you when I get home"

Y/n: "alright thanks Spencer bye"
I shut the car door and walked inside the house

"Logannnn" I shouted

"I'm up her babe" I made my way to see Logan

"So where have you and Spencer been all day"

"We went to the beach to do a photo shoot"

"Can I see?"

"Yeah Spencer's gonna send them to me when he gets home"


We talked about our day and I got a notification that Spencer has sent through the email

"Look" I said to loan pointing to the screen

"Wow" Logan said quietly "my girlfriends so pretty" he said kissing my forehead

"I can tell you like them" I said


"Look down" I said looking at his bulge

"Oops my bad" we laughed and then looked through all the photos and fell asleep.
The end! Hope u enjoyed💛
Follow my Instagram: @24hrlogan 💛

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