I'm Bad Baby

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**Fae's pov**

Ow. My freaking head.

I grunted and went to rub my temples but my arm stopped just before I could grasp it.

"What tha?" I slowly opened my eyes to see I was in a dark creepy room.

And that's when it all hit me.

I started to freak out and pulled on the chains that were holding me to a chair.

I was slowly starting to calm down when I heard a voice behind me.

"Ah sleeping beauty is awake." A boy about my age who looked to be Asian walked in the room and sat in front of me on a table.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice barley a whisper.

"I am," He stood up from sitting on the table and walked slowly towards me. "Well let's just say you'll be screaming my name soon enough." He said inches away from my face with a smirk.

"Come on Carter don't start. That's just gross man." We both looked towards the door to see a taller boy with brown hair in a quiff.

"What Cam? I'm just messing with her, I'm not dumb enough to try anything. She's not mine." He said glancing at me and then chuckling.

"Yeah I'm not any ones so can you just let me go?" I said getting really irritated.

"I'm afraid we can't do that." Cameron said sitting on the ground facing me resting his back on the desk, his face emotionless.

"And why not?" I said slowly gaining confidence.

"Because your bait sweet heart." Carter said laughing.

I grunted and pretended to be annoyed but on the inside I was freaking out.

What do they mean I'm bait? For who? I sat there for a good five minutes before the door swung open.

"He's ready to see her." A very muscular teen was standing in the door way blocking my site from outside the door.

"Come on let's go." Cameron said as he walked towards me and uncuffed me from the chair.

I rubbed my wrist and followed the three boys to god knows where.

As we walked down the dark hall ways I finally came to the conclusion that I was in some type of old factory, it was gross and musty and was creepy.

I was staring off in space when I was flung on the ground, I gasped and saw Hulk Jr(I gave the muscle dude that nickname because, well, he looks like a human hulk) looked down and smirked at me, walking out the door.

"Well well well babe, nice to see you again." Oh hell no.

"Nash?" I scuffed. "I should of known you were behind this." I said standing up and crossing my arms.

"Oh you got an attitude, I like it." He said stepping dangerously close to me  and I backed away quickly only to run into the wall behind me, I cursed under my breath.

"W- Why am I here?" My voice was almost a whisper.

"The reason you're here is simple," Nash started, walking away from me to sit at a big desk on the the side of the room. "Your little friend Kian has done something very bad, he thinks he can get out of  the business with out a consequence. Huh, that little bitch is going to see exactly why I run this damn country." He said, hostility dripping from his voice. "When he comes and tries to save you, I'm going to kill him." He said as if we were talking about what he had for breakfast this morning. My heart stopped beating and my breath hitched in my throat.

"N-n-no please! You can't kill him! Please! O2L is still going! Why does it matter if he's gone? He's just one person!" I was frantically trying to save the one person that truly knew me, if Kian left I wouldn't be able to live with myself. The pain would; without a doubt, kill me.

"Oh babe you see I can't do that. He knows to much, as a matter of fact, you know to much. So I guess when this is all over with I'll have to kill you too. Man what a shame, a hot bitch like you would of been fun, oh well. Johnson, take her to the basement." I could barley move my feet so the blond haired boy who's name I was to in shock had to carry me to where ever he was taking me.

I can't believe this, I'm going to die.

Kian and I were going to be dead in who knows how long and I've done nothing with my life.

What about my mom? My dad? Jacob? Courtney? What about Niada? I've worked my whole life for this and now it's just going to be ripped right from under me. Just like that. No questions, no if ands or buts. Just like that. I guess life does suck.

"Say in here and don't try to pull anything ok? The guy out side won't hesitate to blow your brains out of you give him any reason to so just be careful ok?" The blond haired boy said as he took me to what I'm guessing was the basement, but unlike most of the people in here he had an sincere smile and was actually trying to be nice.

"Ok I will, thank you." I said returning his smile.

He nodded and walked out the room.

As soon as the door shut I sighed and slowly sat on the ground curling my self in a ball, fresh tears now streamed down my face.

How did I get my self into this?

**Hey guys! Sorry this a little short than normal but I'm listening to The Janoskians song Real Girls Eat Cake and I'm to happy and hyped to be so depressed(I keep putting Skips part on rerun because it's just so damn funny! Haha) but I think after I finish my Cameron Dallas one I want to start a Janoskian's one or I just might put it on hold I don't know.... but before I'm able to do that I just want to remind you guys in case you didn't read my last note, I am starting 2adays for football this week so updating will be pretty hard because I'm going to be so tired and then when I start up school football is going to be my #1 priority until November so with all the practices, work outs, games, school, NHS, band, and what ever the hell else I managed to get myself into this year this story is going to have to be worked on when I have time. I'm truly sorry about this but this is my final choice.

Peace, Love, and Snap Backs- Lexi

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