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He was stunned by the comment and words that soon came out of my mouth.

"I don't love you either. Not anymore. I think you should leave and never come back to visit me. I think you should just leave me alone from now on. I think you should move on from the family. Just leave."

What happened next was unexpected.

"Appa... what are you doing?"

[Third Person]

He stood up slowly and walked over to Crystal. He scanned the room and her limp body. His eyes then caught something and an evil grin crawled onto his face.

He swiftly walked over to her and raised his hand. He then pushed it towards the IV drip and ripped out the cord. Everything fell onto the floor and he was pleased with himself.

"This will teach you to know your standards and when you should shut the fuck up. I'm your Appa and you shall listen to me whenever I say or ask for something. Goodbye. See you at home."

He then walked out the door and slammed it shut but not too loud for everyone to be concerned.

Crystal was in tears and gasping for air. She couldn't breathe from her crying and the pain. The pain in her head and her chest. She grasped onto her left chest as if her heart had been ripped out. She was trying to scream for pain but nothing came out, just silent cries.

The machine started beeping loudly to say that her heart is starting to fail. Nothing like this had happened before and she was scared.

She was a child who had lost her parents forever. Who had lost her friends forever. Who had lost everything.

All that filled the room was her sobs and cries as well as the machine overpowering the sound exiting her mouth.

Nurses then rushed into the room as well as Kim Taehyung. He had tears streaming down his face. The nurses tried to kick him out but he refused.

"Please! I can't leave her again!"

He cried out loud enough for everyone to hear but the nurses weren't convinced.

"Sir, if you want her to survive you need to give us space!".

The room went silent and all Crystal could hear was a loud sound ringing in her ears. She cried out in pain and Kim Taehyung noticed what he was delaying. He stared at Crystal whilst the nurse finally pushed him out of the room.

Crystal couldn't bare to see him like this but she also couldn't bare the pain.

The nurses rushed to her and quickly grabbed out another IV bag and put the tubes together to allow it to rush in her body with as little disruption and pain they can cause.

The nurses were saying things to her to try to calm her down but she knew she couldn't because her own father brought her pain that she thought she would never have to feel.

Her tears were full of hatred and her heart was full of nothing. Just blood that she didn't want anymore. She didn't want any blood or DNA that she has now.

(DNA! 태초의 DNA가 널 원하는데 (하는데0 | I'm sorry... I ruined the moment again.)

She didn't want to be alive and out of the many times she has thought about it she meant it this time. She didn't want to breathe the same air as her father. She wanted to leave this place called 'home'.

"Please! Leave it out! let me die! please! PLEASE!"

She begged for her wish but the nurses couldn't do it. They pitied her too much to allow her to be given the wish.

She was continuously screaming loudly not caring who heard her or what happened. She just wanted her suffering to end.

Kim Taehyungs POV

The screams of his loved one filled his ears. He didn't want to hear what she had to say about herself and about how she wanted to leave this cruel world but he couldn't help but to not move. He was frozen in his place.

He wanted comfort from his 6 partners in crime but he couldn't be soft at this time. He needed to be strong even though a tear fell from his eye. He quickly wiped it away and stood up from the chair he was sitting in.

He started walking towards the sound of pain and torture but Jimin came and stopped him. Jimin couldn't also stand to see his pain as well as the others but he knew he had to stop him.

"V. What are you doing? Putting yourself in that room is going to put you in more hatred for her father and for yourself. You can't keep doing this to you because people love you!"

He continuously stared at her door which was a few rooms down not leaving contact with it.

"Please. Stay strong for her, she needs you and the only way you can keep her happy is to stay out of the room and not make her realise who else she may be hurting other than herself."

He then stared into Jimin's eyes who returned the eye contact. Jimin saw hatred and fear in his eyes which were two things he has not seen in Taehyung for a while.

"Tae, please stay strong. For us. For yourself. For her."

Taehyung stood there for a while battling himself whether he should listen to him or not but he finally found the answer. He had to do what was best for her. He had to do what was best for him.


I was not expecting this chapter to end up this way but I think drama is good and this is good.

- Sonny xx

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