Chapter Twenty-Six: Pink

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They say ignorance is bliss. But I, being the amazing nerd I am, used my super ninja literature powers to change the saying: ignoring is bliss. Because honestly, I couldn’t think of anything better to do when Lucas flat-out admitted I was his girlfriend.

“Uh, y-your turn,” I stuttered. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out the prying eyes of Lucas who was watching me intently. I held my breath.

“Oh… um, okay,” he whispered. Letting out my breath in a whoosh, I still refused to open my eyes until he asked the question. “Uh, what…. What’s your favorite color?”

….Seriously? He considered me his girlfriend and he didn’t even know that?

“Pink,” I replied as my eyes popped open. Lucas’s solemn face lit up brighter than the fire, and that mischievous grin found its way to his face once again.

“Really? You didn’t strike me as the pink type of girl,” he said. Refraining from rolling my eyes, I reached down near the fire, grabbed a book, and tossed it into the dying flames. Bits of paper rose up above the hearth like little fairies bursting out of hell. I sat in silence for a moment, watching as the flames trapped Beloved and consumed it whole.

“There’s stipulations for liking pink?” I asked. I turned my attention back to Lucas, who was watching the fire with the same wide-eyed look I must have had. His gaze met mine and he shrugged.

“Yeah, I suppose. Don’t you think? Usually girls who like pink…. Well, they act like girls,” Lucas said. My heart lurched for a second. What was he saying? It was like the fire found its way into my tummy.

“And what is that suppose to mean? That I don’t act like a girl?” I yelled. The shocked expression on Lucas’s face nearly dissipated my anger immediately. It was almost funny how scared he looked. Almost.

“What? No, no--no Nat. I didn’t mean it like… I just… Your not, uh,” Lucas stuttered, glancing down. “Crap, I suck at this.”

A rush of pity, accompanied by a little embarrassment hit me like a fire extinguisher. I mentally blamed the lack of sleep; I got cranky when I didn’t get enough REM.

“Yeah, you do,” I said teasingly. Then I did something quite out of character-- I leaned foreword and kissed Lucas lightly on the cheek. Mind you, this was enough to make my heart nearly explode and my head dizzy. This was the kind of thing I did in my dreams to anime characters! Not to real, living boys. Well, okay, only one boy; Lucas.

“Your turn,” said Lucas softly. When I settled myself back on the couch, I saw from the corner of my eye that Lucas was touching the spot on his cheek where I had kissed him. He was smiling.

“What’s your favorite color then?” I asked. Lucas dropped his hand and looked at me.

“Pink,” he teased. I glared at him until he leaned down the kiss me, then scooted away and stuck my tongue out. He scooted towards me and threw an arm around my shoulders.

“You’re a--”

“Jerk? Imbecile? Idiot? You know, your pet names for me are almost as cute as mine for you,” said Lucas. I couldn’t help but laugh.

Baka,” I muttered. Japanese wasn’t just for anime anymore.

A/N-- Sorry for the shortness! I have stuff tonight and needed to rush to update! More twenty questions to come, don't worry, there won't be twenty chapters of this. I just wanted to write a little more flirting between Lucas and Nat before I got into character analyzing. Only one more day after this I believe.... And then a sequal? :) I love you all!

<3 <3

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