Chapter 15

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Walking up to his door and preparing myself to ring the doorbell

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Walking up to his door and preparing myself to ring the doorbell. I realized that the door was cracked. I walked into the house, and shook my head at the sight. It was trash everywhere. Empty bottles, cups, food, plates. It was as if he had a party last night. I walked through his home and explored the house. When I made it upstairs I walked into a room and its door was open. It was two naked girls in the bed, but Lorenzo was nowhere in sight. I went to the girls.

"Aye, Aye" I said shaking one of the girls.


"Get your ass up, you gotta go." She sat up and rubbed her eyes. I saw theri clothes and threw it at them. "Get the fuck up and get the fuck out" She looked up at me.

"Who the fuck are you, this is not your house"

"Girl, you can leave willing or unwilling. How do you want to play this. I'm not in the mood. You got fucked. Its over its time for you to go." The other girl started moving around in the bed. She jumped up. "Shit" She looked at her phone, and started throwing on her clothes. Once she was dressed she ran out the room.

"I need you to have that same energy, get dressed and get out" She looked like she was debating on what her next move was going to be. She got up and started putting on her clothes. "Bitch mad"

"Who mad?"

"Clearly you. The Fuck?"

I texted Tone to come upstairs to escort this bitch out. I was tired of fucking talking to her. I looked at her and laughed. "I do not have a reason to be mad. One that aint my nigga," Tone entered the room. "Two you are being put out the house, how embarrassing" "Goodbye, Tone please take the trash out."

I walked in the bathroom to see if Lorenzo was in there. He wasn't. When I came back out the bathroom I saw that the girl was gone. I got out my phone and called a cleaning company to come out and clean his house. There was no way in hell I was cleaning this shit. I continue to search his house and still haven't found him. Bout time I made it to the living room again. The cleaning company had just arrived.

"Hi, I need this cleaned up in the next hour. If you need to call more people do that. If its cleaned up in the next hour I will pay extra."

"Yes ma'am. My name is Rosey and we will get right to work." After that about ten people came through the door. The got straight to work. I called Lorenzo again only for it to go straight to voicemail. I was worried. The cleaning company was done in two hours.

"Mrs. Williams, Do you want us to use the card on file or will you be paying in cash today?"

"Use the card on file." I pulled out my wallet and handled her 100 for a tip.

"Thank you Mrs. Williams" Then she walked out the door. I called Lorenzo again. And again it went straight to voicemail. It was now 1 o clock in the afternoon. I went to his refrigerator and pulled out food to cook. I decided to make BLTs. I went pulled out everything that I needed that was in the fridge. I checked the cabinets looking for a pan to cook the bacon in. I washed my hands and started to fry the bacon. I went in the pantry because I didn't see any bread.

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