I (1)

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On the 20th December, Cara was getting ready for her new job. She was going to be a secretary. Nothing special but at least she would be able to pay her mother some rent. Really she was lucky to get a job at all seeing as it was so close to Christmas. Maybe she would be able to buy her neighbour, Sherlock , a present. Then again Cara really didn't know him all that well. Maybe a mystery book seeing as Mrs Hudson mentioned that he was a detective.

Cara was so preoccupied with thoughts of Christmas presents thatshe didn't notice a well dressed man coming out of the door that she was going in. And when she did notice him it was too late because she was already on the floor.

Once the initial shock of the fall had subsided, Cara got up and brushed any dirt off her new skirt. Only a little annoyed Cara looked around for the man who knocked into her, expecting an apology. But apparently this was out of the picture as the guy was making his way towards a black car as if nothing had happened. Now livid Cara approached the man and tapped him on the shoulder. "Eccuse me sir but I believe you owe me an apology." She stated making him raise an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry that you weren't looking where you were going and ran into me." He replied rather arrogantly.

"Wow, rude much?" Cara shot back before glancing at her watch. She really didn't have time for this but this guy needed to be taught some lessons.

"I can afford to be rude. You, on the other hand, should probably get to work."  'Don't slap him, don't slap him, don't slap him.' Cara thought to herself repeatedly.

"You can't tell me what to do." Cara replied through gritted teeth. Just who did this guy think he was?

"Oh but I can, Cara." He answered before getting into the car and driving away. Cara stood on the curb for a few moments, trying to work out how he knew her name. Eventually she figured that it wasn't worth it and went to see her new boss.

After five hours Cara concluded that her job was even less exciting than she thought it would be. Fortunately she was nearly done for the day. Well she was until a brunette woman entered the building. The woman headed straight to the front desk and only to raised her head to get a look at Cara's face.

"How may I help you?" Cara asked politely, trying to refrain from checking her watch. Just five more minutes.

"My boss needs to speak to you. There's a car waiting outside." The woman answered, still not looking up. Cara hesitated before calling one of the over girls to cover for her.

During the short journey to the car neither Cara nor the strange woman spoke. Cara knew it was stupid of her to get into the car without asking any questions but what was the worst that could happen?

She looked out of the window to try to see where she was going but the windows had been blacked out. After countless twists and turns the car stopped. When Cara got out she saw an old warehouse. Not the best place for a business meeting but Cara supposed that it would be extremely private.

When she entered the rundown building she was surprised to see the man from that morning leaning on his umbrella. Had he gone to all this effort to summon her just to say sorry?

"I've been thinking since this morning-" The man started.

"And you wanted to apologise for being so rude?" Cara interrupted impatiently. The man raised a hand to silence her and continued speaking. "I promised my sister 5 minutes of unsupervised conversation. So far you have proven to be the best candidate."

"I'm honoured." Cara replied sarcastically. "But I don't even know your name."

"Mycroft Holmes. I'll pick you up on Christmas day. "

"Actually I'm spending Christmas day with my family."

"Hmm...we'll see." Mycroft turned to the woman "Anthea, make sure she gets home."

(Time skip to Christmas day.)

"Aw this necklace is too much Cara." Mrs Hudson fussed. "You shouldn't have gotten it for me."

"But I did! Where would I be today if it wasn't for you Mum?"

"Probably still stuck in that God awful orphanage." Mrs Hudson chuckled trying to blink back tears.

Cara went to give her mother a hug when the doorbell rang. "Don't worry I'll get it." Cara offered.

As soon as she reached the door Cara regretted it. Standing there, with a fake smile plastered on his face, was Mycroft Holmes. "Are you ready to ask?" He asked, oblivious to the fact that Cara had yet to carve the turkey.

"Uh no. Not at all."

"Well get ready. We don't have long."

Cara slammed the door in Mycroft's face, slightly angered by his words.Did he not know that other people had lives as well? It would serve him right if she didn't go with him and stayed with her mother. Although a part of her did wonder whether she had a choice.

Setting he thoughts and feelings aside, Cara grabbed her coat. Regardless of what she wanted, Cara said a quick goodbye to Mrs Hudson alongside a rushed apology. It was only 5 minutes after all, at least she wouldn't be gone all day.

There was a car waiting outside as per usual however this time it took Cara to a helicopter. In turn the helicopter took her to a small island, only occupied by a single building.

"What is this place?" Cara asked, more to herself that to Mycroft but he still answered.

"This is Sherrinford. A fortress comtaining the most dangerous criminals of the world."

"Your sister included?" Cara asked, her question becoming more of a statement as she continued to study her surroundings.

"My sister included." Mycroft confirmed before checking his phone. "We're running on a tight schedule. This way."

As far as Cara saw, Sherrinford was very well organised. After a brief ID check, Mycroft led her to an office where he informed her of his sister's condition. Of course he managed to leave out the fact that Eurus was able to completely manipulate people into doung her bidding. He wouldn't want to scare Cara way. Especially when he knew she probably wouldn't survive for very long after the conversation.

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