Day Nine - World Population 5.8 Hundred Thousand

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Waking up the next morning, I felt the best I had in a long time.  I don't remember falling asleep last night but I think I may have passed out with pleasure overload.  I'll give Jay his due.  The boy had stamina.  I don't think there was a position last night that we didn't try.

I stretched my body out in the bed, waking up my muscles while feeling for Jay.  A pleasant ache burned through my body making me blush at the memories the soreness conjured. 

Disappointment quickly filled me when I realised I was alone in my room.

Opening my eyes, I rubbed away the sleep and looked around my room for him.  It was also empty and judging by the sun coming through the window it was round midday.  I had slept most of the day away!

Something didn't feel right.  Something felt off.

Reaching over I pressed my hand into the mattress at the opposite side of the bed.  The spot was cold, meaning that Jay had been gone a while and I was alone.

I didn't like the feeling.  Not because of a clingy, insecure way.  But because ever since I met the guys, I have never been truly alone.  There was always some with me.  Someone nearby.  A sound, a squeaky floorboard, talking.  But now, there was nothing and the silence sent a icy shiver down my spine.  My gut roiled, telling me something was definitely wrong.

Raising to my feet from the bed, I quickly headed over to my dresser and grabbed my dressing gown.  I wasted no time throwing it on and heading out in to the living room.

The room was cold and dark as the drapes were still drawn.  But worse than that, this room was also empty.  Panic and worry began to fill me.  Where was everyone?

Heading back into my room, I grabbed a pair of shorts out of my drawer and grabbed a shirt out of my closet.  I began dressing on my way around my apartment.  Hopping into my shorts and pulling the shirt over my head.  I grabbed a hair tie from the bathroom and threw my wild red hair up into a messy bun rather than take the time to deal with it.  I had the feeling that there wasn't going to be much time for anything.  I didn't even check the mirror before heading out of the door and down the hall to Jay's apartment.

I knocked hard when I reached the door and waited.  But there were no sounds coming from the other side of the door.

"Please just be taking a shower." I prayed aloud.

I tried the handle and the door gave way.

I walked into his empty living room before trying the bedroom.  Nothing.  The last room was the bathroom.

Pushing open the door, the scent of Jay washed over me, soothing my nerves but only a little.  He had been in here this morning.  Water still dripped from the shower and his clothes from yesterday were on  the hamper but when I touched the pipes of the shower, they were long cold.  

Sure that Jay wasn't here, I headed down to Connors apartment.  My breathing now coming a little faster as I became more fearful and a feeling of foreboding washed over me.  I will not panic yet.  I told myself in a mantra.  They're all just at Connor's making breakfast or lunch or whatever.  Nothing has happened, I am just being paranoid.

I don't bother knocking on Connor's door, I just walked right in.

Relief washes over me when I see Connor sat with his back to me on the sofa.  But his posture doesn't look right.  He was slumped forward with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.  His fingers buried deep in to his thick shaggy red hair.  Gripping it tightly at the roots.

Dead Clinger (Zombie Reverse Harem) Book 1 Of 2Where stories live. Discover now