Chapter 21 - The Settail Fish

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When I look up at the shocked Hasginal. He was looking at the book like his eyes would pop out.

"Um, Hasginal?" I try to bring him back into reality by lightly tapping his shoulder. After showing no response I decide to move to a better approach.

I grab him by the shoulders to make him face me.


"Hasginal!" I yell at him. After showing no response, I decide to try again.


After the tenth time he finally starts to show awareness.

"Hah! Sorry! Please forgive me for acting rude in your presence great god of death. Would you like your Settail Fish raw or smoked and ready to go?" He says while kneeling down like a servant to a lord.

For the love of, what is up with the kneeling!? Is everyone just born with the thought of kneeling down!? Damn! I swear that I will never kneel down to anyone! It makes one look like an obedient pet.

"I'll take it smoked." I say while slightly irritated.

"Des, try to calm down. You're scaring everyone around." Fiora placed a hand on my shoulder. I look around and everyone is staring at me like I'm some sort of insane monster glaring at air.

I am sorry everyone but if you don't want to be in my presence because it's frightening you, then you can flip off!

Even though I didn't say it aloud, everyone around started running away with terrified faces. This... maybe I shouldn't have done that.

I look around and silently apologize. Then turn back to Hasginal, who quickly gave me the fish.

"Fiora do you want one?" I know that Hasginal can't give one some unless they place their hand on the book so I need her to do it herself.

"Oh, yes!" She quickly went towards the book and placed her hand on it. It flipped through the pages and stopped at an empty page. There some words appeared showing not only my mark, but about Fiora being the wolf queen.


The Mark of the Dark Moon,

Symbol of The God of Death and Darkness

Current God: Dessyr Drako Modra Zer

Importance: 100%

Fame: 1

Tier: 5

The Full Moon,

Symbol of The Goddess of Wolves and the Hunt

Current Goddess: Candidate Fiora Lupus

Wolves Tamed: 1/500

Importance: 87%


Tier: 4


Well... that's quite the record you've got here. 499 wolves left to tame. Almost there.

When I look at Hasginal again I notice him looking at her in surprise. His dark eyes rolled back and his mouth gaped wide enough for a bee to fly into and his ears were moving all they way back.

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