A Chiley Wedding Part 3

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Dillon and Aaron sat front row watching Dillon's dads getting married. After a very long wait, the wedding is finally here and everyone is excited.

Riley stood in front of Chase, staring deep into his eyes as the priest was saying the usual wedding stuff. His green suit was made by Matt and Karone as their wedding gift to him, and he couldn't be happier with the results of it. In his mind, all he could do was go over his vows and make sure everything was perfect for Chase because that's what he is and that's what he deserves.

Chase was glaring into Riley's eyes as he had the thought that he didn't deserve to marry Riley. To him, Riley was the most perfect beautiful man in the world. He had no idea how he ended getting Riley as his partner for life and would forever be grateful to have him by his side and having a family together.

All the unmarried couples in the room were watching in awe as they saw what might be their future. Matt and Karone held hands as they watched. Matt was the proudest that he has ever been. Sure, when he was younger he thought that Riley would marry a woman, but he immediately accepted him being gay and he was happy he did. He not only gained another brother, he also has two nephews that he adores.

Karone was super excited as she always loved weddings. She was actually over the moon when she was asked to be the wedding planner. Throughout the whole process, she dreamed about her future wedding with Matt. Even though she always wanted a sister, she couldn't be happier to receive two brothers that she could introduce to Andros. Even though she was dragged out of her biological family when she was a child, she was fulfilled by the family she has now with the Randall-Griffin's.

Kendall and Heckyl sat towards the back as Kendall was trying to get Ryder to fall back asleep. Heckyl was still grateful that the rangers accepted him once he became good again. The couple even gave them tickets to Hawaii for their honeymoon and offered to babysit Justin.

The priest finally finished the formal sayings and is now time for the vows to be said.

"It is now time for the sacred vows." Stated the priest. "Riley, you may begin when you are ready."

Riley took a deep breath to clear his mind from any worries. "Chase Randall, you are not only my friend that I fell in love with, you are my soulmate. I never thought I would meet someone that would make me as happy like you do. Even though we have had troubles throughout our relationship, I knew everything would turn out alright because I have faith in us to turn any nightmare into a dream. A dream that has already came true because I have everything that I dreamed about. A man that I can share my name with, two sons that I can raise into men, and all the happiness in the world. I can't imagine my life without you being by my side. I promise to always make you happy because I can't be happy when you're not."

Riley then placed the ring on Chase's hand. He noticed a tear slide down his face that he tried to wipe off without anyone noticing, but failed.

Chase didn't really prepare anything as he planned to improve, but now panicked at the fact that he had absolutely nothing and knew whatever he had said wouldn't even compare to what Riley has said. That was always how he rolled, not planning and just doing.

"Riley Griffin." Chase started and didn't know how to finish. "I love you with every bone in my body, even though I don't know how many there are and you do. That's what I love the most about you, you always have the answer to everything. You're smart and considerate of others, which is what makes you stand out from others. You also help me even when I don't ask because that's the type of person you are. A person that always thinks about others and helps them for the sole purpose of their benefit and not yours. You helped me learn responsibility when we adopted Dillon, you helped me learn patience when Dillon was away and I couldn't see him every day, but most importantly, you helped me learn what love is. Yeah I had girlfriends in the past, but there was nothing special there. When I first met you, I felt a way I never felt before. You taught me that the feeling was love and I wanted to share it with you for the rest of my life, and now I'm finally doing that. You make me so happy that I wonder what about me makes you want to stay with me when there are tons of other guys that are smarter, more handsome, and more talented. Now that I'm about to finish my vows, I want you to know that I will never take you for granted and treat you like the angel you are."

Tears were now sliding down both their faces and Chase put the ring on Riley. The pair held hands as the waited for the priest to let them kiss.

"By the power invested in me, and the rest of the line, you may kiss the husband." The priest said as he closed his book and smiled.

Riley and Chase kissed harder than ever as they knew that they were finally married. Their hard work and dedication to each other finally reached the ultimate happiness level.

Confetti and balloons were released and the guests stood and cheered for the happy couple. When Riley pulled out of the kiss, he took the bouquet from the side and threw it over his shoulder. As he turned around to see who caught it, he saw Dillon holding it. Dillon immediately handed it to Karone.

After the wedding, the Rail and Buster Rangers walked around the park trying to figure out what they need to do. The Rail Rangers need to find a new blue ranger and the Buster Rangers need a red and silver.

Russell and Colby set up a device that allowed the group to see any dark energy. Now that they're down a ranger, they need to be a step ahead. For the past week there have been numerous monster attacks that they couldn't figure out.

"Guys, look at this." Willis said as he looked at the screen. They others crowded around him and noticed a strong dark energy coming near them.

Aurora turned around and gasped. The others saw that there was a mummy-like monster with a patrol of Vivix.

"Rangers, surrender or you will pay the price!" Mumster shouted. "If you pledge your life to us, we'll safe your family from the upcoming destruction."

"What destruction?" Asked Luna.

Mumster chuckled. "Just look up."

The rangers looked up at the sky and saw a fleet of ships flying over the town. They pulled out their morphers and went straight into the morph and attack move.

Mumster unleashed the Vivix as he started attacking the park. He couldn't do much damage as a ranger in red started attacking him.

Suddenly a blue ranger joined the red as the double teamed Mumster. As they were about to finish him, Mumster used his dark powers to hold the two in place and suffocate them.

Dillon came to help them and slashed Mumster's back, which caused him to drop the rangers. Dillon noticed that the blue was a Rail Ranger and the red was a Buster Ranger.

Apparently, the slash Dillon did severely damaged Mumster and he has to returned one of the ships. However, the Vivix stayed and ended up being defeated.

The red and blue rangers faced the others. They lifted their hands to their helmets and slowly took them off.

The others couldn't believe what they saw. Dillon's mouth dropped as his eyes widened in disbelief. "TK and Aaron!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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