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With a sharp click of her two inch heels, Ji-hye flicked her cherry red  hair over her shoulder.

Adjusted her see through dress and entered into the familar darkness of the club. Flicking her ID, towards the bouncer she took a step farther in.

And immediately stopped her prey for the day, he was perfect. Much better than Namjoon. Smiling to herself, she took a step towards the lean frame of the man with the midnight black hair.

He really was gorgeous she thought as her eyes raked him in the sudden light. Perfectly chiseled jaw line, dark dark hair, soft looking pink lips. And flawless skin to make him even more goregous, he even had on a dark black suit to pull the whole look off.

Hitching her bag closer to her body, she approached the beautiful man. "I'm Ji-hye" she introduced herself.

"Kim Haneul" he warmly replied taking her outstretched hand.

"Would you like a drink" he asked, still smiling kindly. Nodding back she took a seat on one of the tables

As he left, she adjusted her dress yet again. She loved this dress, it was beauiful shimmering in the darkness and making her stand out. But when the light hit her, it was completely see through. She would be strip naked inside expect for the revealing underwear she had worn underneath.

The dress was a dark blue, which helped a bit. But it hugged her curves and left nothing to the imagination, just as she like it. She loved seeing the shock and then then delight on the men's face as the light suddenly hit her body.

The dress was her secret weapon, once the light hit her body the men could never keep their hands off her.

"Here's your drink" he said carefully placing it next to her.

"I just have one question, what's a beautiful girl like you doing at the club." He asked curiosity drawn on to his beautiful features.

"I-I felt lonely" she replied even being able to make her eyes water. She loved creating up stories, it was just easier to get a man into bed with her, when they felt pity for her.

He nodded a regretful expression appearing on his pretty face "I've been there, we've all been there. Would you like to talk about it, love?"

She smiled at the word at the end of his sentence. It gave her inspiration. "I-I finally told my boyfriend that I loved him. He broke my heart, I realized he wouldn't love me. He couldn't love me, he would never love me. That broke my heart...and I just couldn't breathe around him. I had to leave, and I somehow ended up in here."

She saw his eyes light up in pity, just as she hoped. She knew she was being a bitch, but she was enjoying every moment of it.

To be completely honest, she adored being mean to others, to hurt them, to break their hearts. She loved being a bitch. After all it made her feel like she has somewhat of a control of her own life.

And in her eyes the others deserved the pain she caused them, it's not like she deserved what she had gotten. She was just a sweet little girl once.

Pushing these thoughts to the farthest corner of her mind, she smiled at the guy who was expressing his pity for her.

Looking up she saw the light was about to hit her. Ah, this was perfect now she could finally have him...his lips looked quite soft.

She couldn't wait.



BTS are hot.

And one question though does anyone actually like her.

But yeah BTS are hot.

And Namjin are very cute.

And Namjin are very cute

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