Of Addiction...Maybe?

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Beam heard Forth cursed upon hearing his phone ring. Forth nodded to him signaling that he would take the call. Beam just look at his boyfriend as the guy stood, asking the person on the line on a bit not polite tone.

It's been exactly two weeks after they came back from their weekend vacation with their friends. The issue regarding Ai'Pha's parents still lingering in their heads. It put a damper to everyone since the couple went back earlier than planned. Until today it seem...

Beam can feel it for a few days now, Forth has been exceptionally moody. At first he just noticed that Forth was a bit unfocused. Not to a point that Forth was being inattentive to him but he can sense that there is something that was bothering him.

Not a few days back, he noted that whenever they're together Forth's kisses are always heated, with fervor, always with a hint of urgency. Even their lovemaking changed, looking back, Forth always kissed him gently, softly, his lips almost like a whisper against his. After their first time on Lam's house, Forth always made sure that they are not inebriated when they do it, he always took his time; savoring each and every second they're together.

Now it's different, Forth's earnestness, his passion multiplied, it felt that he's achieving for something Beam cannot comprehend. Not that he's complaining, no, definitely not! It's just that these frenzied kisses, relentless intense lovemaking and feverish touches will be the death of him if it continues.

He's observing him for a few days now, Forth appeared to be agitated, he keeps fiddling with his fingers, he seems to get annoyed easily with everyone even his friends, and Nong'Ming got an evil eye from him just yesterday.

Ming, Kit, and Beam were teasing each other. They were just starting to get loud when Beam and Ming unconsciously hugged each other upon winning an argument with Kit. That's when Beam felt a sudden tag on his arms.

He saw Forth's menacing face before he felt his crushing mouth to his. After a moment Forth let him move but not until he's satisfied that Beam was truly into the kiss.

"Ai'Forth! What's your problem?" Beam scolded.

Forth did not answered but instead looked at Ming chillingly and said holding the guy's stare, "keep your hands to yourself Nong."

He quietly passed his takeout food to Beam walked back to his motorcycle, not even saying goodbye.

It was excessively weird. They knew Forth was a bit possessive with Beam but they would never think that he would be jealous with Ai'Ming. Mingkwan of all people! His Kitkat is here for Pete's sake!

Too weird...

Kit was the one that voice it out.

"Is something bothering Ai'Forth?" Kit asked as Beam just stares at the spot where Forth's motorcycle was parked a few minutes ago. "Don't you think it's odd?"

"I-...I have no idea." Beam answered silently.

"Thank God I'm not the only one who thinks so. I thought I'm gonna get it today!" Ming breathed out; he was scared for a moment there he thought P'Forth was going to punch him.

The two doctors looked at Ming.

"What do you mean Nong?" asked Beam.

"Aww P'!" Ming turned to Beam, "P'Forth was being a monster when he's at the cheer room! Everyone was afraid of him."

Of Addiction... Maybe?Where stories live. Discover now