You Hunt Supernatural Beings

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Request: How would the Seed brothers react to their s/o being a hunter, some one who hunts monsters, demons and things that go bump in the night? (Based on the show 'Supernatural' where the voice of Jacob Seed plays Lucifer, Mark Pellegrino)

Joseph Seed-

When you gave Joseph 'the talk', telling him about the existence of monsters, he believed you. Why would you lie to him? You told him about angels and demons and monsters, he was fascinated to learn about it all. Of course he was worried about your safety since you hunted these things, but he knew that you were special. You were cleaning the world of all things that were impure. You were cleaning God's earth of those who harmed his creation, while he spread God's truth. Joseph saw this as your duty, your duty given to you by God and who is he to go against God's plan. He actually admired how you were brave enough to fight these creatures just for the good of humanity, he saw you as a saviour to protect his flock from evil.

Jacob Seed-

Jacob didn't believe you but you didn't blame him, who would believe something like that? You had to prove it to him, showing him your journals, your lore, your weapons, and any other evidence that you had. Once he got used to the idea of monsters being real and you hunting them, he felt a strange sense of pride. He was impressed by what you could do and what you have done, he knew you were strong but this was something that he never expected. You showed him the scars that you had received from your hunts and he admired them, they just added to who you are. He was interested in examining your one of a kind weapons, such as your demon-killing knife, they were fascinating to him. He even asked if he could join you on a hunt, even if it was just to observe.

John Seed-

Like Jacob, John didn't believe you until you proved it to him. You showed him everything you owned as evidence. When he actually believed you, he was scared. He wasn't scared of the monsters or anything, he was scared for you. Now he knew that you were fighting actual monsters all the time made him worry, if you went out on a hunt he would be calling you every ten minutes. When you got home he would check you for any new wounds or bruises, he just worried about you. However, he actually enjoyed reading through your lore books and your journals, learning about the different creatures you have come across. He even started making notes for you and giving them to you, he was always willing to do some research for you while you were away on a hunt.


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