Keep Me, Warm

41 14 11

Love, what did you do to me?
My only hope is to let life stretch out before me
And break me on this lonely road
I'm made of many things, but I'm not what you are made of  - London Grammar, Big Picture

the speck under your right eye

the tiny creator on you right cheek

the mole in the middle of your collarbone

In the freezing air, these are what I think of.

Although your thick coat hides everything from me now, my hand still easily finds yours like second nature, our cold fingers intertwining to warm each other up.

When the wind blows like this, crisp, cold and biting, my instinct is to bury my face into your chest.

Smelling the perfect, calm, blissful smell of home, on you.

Your arm wraps around my waist, pulling me closer. Your chin rests on my head, keeping me warmer.

My cold nose brushing against the warm skin on your neck, makes you jump in laughter.

Your eyes crinkling and disappearing as that beautiful sound escapes your lips.

Your lips, that are red from the cold, swollen from the icy breeze.

Our breaths whisper out in warm clouds in front of our faces, as we stand on the side walk, waiting to cross.

The green light illuminates your skin, your eyes gleaming as you tell me about something, and I listen.

I listen to your silk-like voice, as if my life depended on it.

As we talk and talk, my mind keeps wandering to all those perfections you have adorning your body. 

the scratch on your right shoulder blade

the birthmark on your abdomen

the scar on your left leg

All combining to make a perfect version of you,

Within me.


Because it's so ridiculously hot rn, I needed a chapter set in colder times to soothe me hahah!

Enjoy :) x

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