Flames : Todoroki x Reader

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Quirk: Light Manipulation

Flames engulfed the forest, burning everything in its path. There was beauty in this sight but Y/N couldn't see it, her mind raced as the flames spread becoming dangerously close to where the young girl was stood. Tears filled her eyes as her body refused to move from that spot. Why here of all places why did the league attack here? Many questions flooded her mind as she collasped to the ground shaking at the thought that this was her demise, she closed her eyes and  wished that this was a hallucination, a stupid mind trick that someone from 1B was playing, she kept her eyes shut hoping that the minute she opened them everything would disappear. But no matter how many times she closed them and prayed, the flames did not go away. It surrounded her, the air became thick as fire surrounded the area making it difficult to breathe. Smoke filled her lungs as her only escape was sealed off by a fallen tree. Now what? What could she do? She doubted anyone was around, they must of all made it back to camp by now. She (E/C) girl wrapped her arms around herself knowing her quirk couldn't get her out of this, she prayed silently that someone would find her.

Back the camp everything was a stir, all students freaking out about the villians still lurking around and their injured friends laying before them. The police had arrived by this point, making a head count of all those who were present. Todoroki's eyes widen when one name was called out as missing...


Without a second thought he disbanded from the group and ran towards the forest, many voices shouting pleading him not to go. He ran in all directions screaming her name hoping that he could hear her and reply, he knew she was still out there she wasn't the leagues target. Ill thoughts about the girls wellbeing clogged his mind, thinking about if she had encountered the league....is she still alive? Did they hurt her? God she must he scared. He pushed those thoughts out of mind and continued going deeper into the forest towards the raging fire.

Y/N stared helplessly at the sky as the area she was in slowly shrunk as fallen branches and leaves closed the distance between them, she cursed at herself for not moving, for not heading straight back to camp when the ordeal happened. Why did she have to play the hero this time and try and stop any of the villians. Time passed agonisingly slow with the sky getting darker by the second, She felt so weak compared the the rest of her class, they would've veen able to get out of this easily but no she couldn't, how could she become a hero if she couldn't even save herself from danger.


Her eyes widen as she heard her name being called, she wondered if she had imagined it until another shout echoed through the trees.

she cried as she used her quirk to bring a beam of light above the location was at. She heard twigs snapping as a familiar strand of ice covered a section of flames leaving her path free.

There he was, standing before the (H/C) girl. She had burn marks scattered on body and she seemed weakened by the amount of smoke she had inhaled. He rushed over to her and gently wrapped his arms around the smaller girl's frame.

"Y/N I'm so glad your alive"

He breathed heavily, gently stroking her back as she gently sobbed into his shoulder.

"I-I thought n-nobody would find me"

she whispered inbetween sobs, happy to be in his embrace.

"Come on we can't stay here much longer"

He looked down at her and saw her eyes slowly begin to close, he knew she was too weak to walk on her own. He wrapped an arm behind her back and under her legs holding her in a bridal position, she leaned her head against his chest listening to his heartbeat speed up with every step he took.

They soon arrived back the camp, immediantly medical personel took action and rushed towards the two calling for the ambulances be ready to take off, she couldn't remember much her vision was blurred as she faded in and out of darkness, but one thing she could make out was the multicoloured haired boy grasping onto her hand, pleading for her to recover.

The entire time Y/N was in the hospital Todoroki didn't leave her side, he'd make sure all her needs were met despite hers and the doctors protests. She was greatful for this smiling at every moment she could, she had thanked him many times but still feeling guilty for making go through all this trouble.
It was quiet now, all of doctors had left her be for the night leaving her and Shoto alone. She slowly sat up and looked at his frame, he gently stroked his hair as he lay almost motionless by her side. She placed the covers over him being careful not to disturb him and planted a small kiss on his forehead

"My hero.."

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