Chapter 44~

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Just a warning, these next few chapters may be short... Not to cut down the storyline or anything, but the things I have planned for these chapters don't take long. They will still be stuffed to the brim with info. Thanks for reading! Enjoy~ <3

[Travis' POV]

The two words stared up at me dauntingly. What is that supposed to mean? Was there more coming?

Sarah kept her gaze trained on her phone as well.

The three dots popped up (like on iPhones) as Unknown begane to type.


U: Let's play a game.

U: Here's the rules:
1. No leaving the current
2. No talking to others via
3. You must dedicate all
your time to me.
4. This stays between all the
meeting members. No
communicating with the other
5. Break the rules, and you die.


I looked up and over at Max and Ross. They looked panicked, since they had called Melody to come.

However, there was nothing we could do about it, we didn't want to die.

"Alright." I took charge from here, turning everyone's focus to me. "Let's keep the kill count low, preferrably zero."

The others didn't know Melody was coming, so I kept the panic down to Max and Ross. They nodded to me, knowing what I aimed to do.

Sam stepped up next to me. "Right, we need to figure out what Unknown's motives truly are. The faster we figure that out, the faster we can figure out who he is."

Everyone nods.

Time to kill a bitch, right?

My demon voice reverberated in my head.

No. Not now, not ever. We kill him, we stoop to his level. We're above that.

Aw, but I was looking forward to the rush of blood out of his cold dead body~

I shudder. Zane sets a hand on my shoulder, snapping me back to the present, and we refocused.

Time to expose Unknown.


Word Count: 321 words

The plot t h i c k e n s

6 chapters left.

Look how far we've come!

Even since the beginning of this book I've been so excited to write the conclusion chapters.

The next one is not gonna be pretty, but hey, what can ya do.

3 chapters left till Unknown is exposed!

(And I can update the sequel bio! Finally!)

Anywho, I hope you all enjoyed!

Ily all! xoxo Sam

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