Chapter 25

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"Are you sure your dad is okay with me coming to your house for Thanksgiving?" Jason asked for what felt like the millionth time.

I rolled my eyes while dislodging a metal shopping cart from the row. It was the Friday after Finn's birthday meaning I was 12 weeks along. Officially into the second trimester. My blood results still hadn't come in so I would have to call the doctor. They probably lost my lab sample but I wasn't too worried. Everything looked fine on the ultra sound and I was young and healthy. Being in the second trimester however; It was scary. This thing was more real than it had ever been or felt. We went home for Thanksgiving in a week and that's when we would finally face the music.

I hope it went well.

"Yes, Jason. My dad said he's excited that we're bringing a friend home. Four people on Thanksgiving is kind of depressing so we've upgraded to five. He won't complain." I assured the Asian man as we walked into the supermarket. Finn stayed home to clean so I dragged Jason with me. I was bored and we never got to hang out alone anymore. I loved my boyfriend and our friends but sometimes you just want one on one time with your friends. Why do you think I got my nails done with Al, went golfing with Chris, or watched stupid old movies with Sam? I hated all of those things but I did them to get one on one time and bond with them.

"What happened to your mothers?" Jason asked while plucking the grocery list from my left hand.

Jason had shared his story with us so it was only fair that I shared mine with him. Besides, Finn was generally open about the fact that his parents were divorced but I wouldn't dare get into details. "Finn's parents are divorced. Mom isn't in his life. My mom died of cancer when I was eight." I replied while scanning the produce section in front of me. "What do we need here?"

I don't know if pregnancy brain was a real thing but right now I believed it. That, or I was just too stupid to remember the things I wrote on the grocery list not two hours ago.

"Raspberries, blueberries, green grapes, pink grapefruit, avocado, kale, radicchio, purple cabbage, spinach, and a tomato." Jason listed off the fresh produce while picking up a bag of presliced apples with caramel to dip. He put the bag in the cart as we stopped in front of the grapes.

"First of all, you're on a strict diet." I pointed out while opening a bag and looking through it before deciding it was a good bag. "Second of all, I'm not here to buy you food." I put the grapes in the top of the cart while taking out those processed apples and sugar before putting them back where they belong; on the shelf.

Jason scoffed while moving to the blueberries that where sitting on the same table. There weren't many people in the grocery store at eight, an hour before closing. The reality of it, was that we had to come this late. It was the only time our schedule allowed us to and I was not about to go at 5 on a weekend.

That's when I used my brain and made Finn go instead.

"You know, usually there is one lenient one in a relationship and one borderline heartless person. I think you and Finn are both heartless." Jason remarked while picking up two containers of blueberries.

"And why is that?" He placed the cartons next to the grapes as I pushed the cart to the next table to gather the grapefruits and raspberries.

"Because Finn wouldn't buy me apples last time either." Jason pouted mockingly like a child while I looked at the grapefruits, picking only the ones that were pink. Finn didn't like them, but I ate them like candy. The pink weren't too sour and weren't too sweet. They were the perfect mix of the yellow and red ones.

"Jesus Christ," I uttered under my breath at Jason's attitude. "Is this what having a kid is like?"

Jason was too busy getting raspberries to hear me. That was a plus of bringing at 23 year old shopping with you. He did half the work with no complaints. Jason was used to adulting by now where as Owen and Emma would throw a hissy fit the whole time.

Part of me also thinks that Jason is a weird kink for the grocery store. He never complains about going with Finn or I and he goes by himself for his groceries multiple times a week. He didn't buy for a week or two, he bought for three days.

"Jason? Does your secret girlfriend work here?"

Jason looked up at me from across the table with his black eyebrows drawn together and an incredulous look on his face. "Did you hit your head?" He asked while scrunching his nose and rounding the table to place the raspberries in the cart.

"No. I'm just trying to figure out why you come here so often." My shoulders shrugged while placing my bag of three grapefruits in the cart. Jason pulled the front of it to the lettuce section and began to fill bags with the types of leafy greens Finn and I ate. It was weird that he knew how much of everything we needed as much as, if not better, than I did.

"I don't know. It's cool, organized, quiet, and I get to buy food. What's not to like?" He shrugged white tossing a tomato at me. Luckily I caught it, or I would have killed Jason on the spot. I shot him a glare and placed it in the cart. Finn liked that devils food. Gross.

"So you're too broke for air conditioning, you have ocd, and your empty apartment isn't quiet enough for you. Sounds totally reasonable."

"Shut up." Jason glared at me over his shoulder before turning forwards and pushing the cart.

"I just speak the truth." I laughed at Jason's annoyed expression and bumped his side with my hip playfully.

Recognition sparked in Jason's eyes. A smirk appeared on his face as he spoke. "You know that video I posted of you getting totally decked?" I nodded reluctantly at him, horrified at where he could be going with this. "It has over 300k retweet's and it's gone viral. You're welcome by the way."

I didn't know how to react to that, other than to scoff. Jason would never let me live that one down. To be fair, it's wasn't my fault. I was just unfortunate enough to get stuck in two of the biggest lacrosse hits of the season. I wouldn't be surprised if Jason plays that at my wedding and my funeral. It was his new favorite thing.

But after imagining it in my head, I couldn't help but burst out laughing with Jason. "You're suck a dick! This will haunt me until I die because of you!" I managed to get out through my laughter. My dad will love that video when I show him, if he hasn't already seen it.

Jason and I laughed until we were lightheaded. Or maybe it was just me that was light headed, because when Jason's eyes met my body all of his happiness faded away with a flip of a switch. "Holy shit! Sylvia are you okay?"

My eyes fell down to see blood covering my light wash jeans, way more than a normal or healthy amount. Suddenly, my light headedness and racing pulse didn't seem like it was due to laughter. That's when I felt a stabbing pain in my navel, unlike anything I've ever felt before. I had to bend over as a reaction to the crippling pain. A strangled cry left my throat, making it surprisingly raw.

"Jason! Call an ambulance and call Finn!" I gritted out. Pain was shifting through my body on such an imaginable level that I couldn't comprehend it. I was on the floor now, my forehead pressed against the cold tile, not caring how dirty it was. All I cared about was relief. My hands held my stomach as if that would ease the pain but I knew it wouldn't.

"Help! Someone call an ambulance! She's bleeding out!" Jason screamed at the top of his lungs. I heard footsteps and people running around but my eyes were screwed shut. My head was throbbing.

How could this happen so suddenly? I didn't even feel it at first.

I let out another strangled noise. The pain in my head intensified and now I was panting for breath. I knew what was about to happen but for once it wasn't because of panic; I was about to pass out from blood loss.

The amount of blood on my clothes and hands was way more than any one person should ever lose, let alone someone that's pregnant. "Jason!" I forced open my eyes and turned my head on the ground, to face my wide eyed friend. His brown eyes looked almost black compared to his face which run pale. "Make sure they know, I'm 12 weeks pregnant."

My voice was weak and my eyes were fluttering, but they were open enough to see Jason's eyebrows shoot up and his mouth drop as a whole other level of panic settled over him.

I didn't even hear his response as my vision blurred to black.

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