Jake's POV

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This is so fucking hard, I don't wanna let her leave me, I was gonna ask her out, but I probably shouldn't upset her right now........"I'm gonna miss you" I finally got out "I'm gonna miss you too" she responded, I felt my eyes tear up, I'm a guy though I can't cry, so I tried so desperately to hold it in, how come she seemed so much calmer than me? Then a flashback came to mind, "Remember when we were 12-" she cut me off "Not another flashback" she joked "Anyway we made this 'pact' if you will, stating we would never be apart," I paused "I'm pretty sure that's ending now physically but can we keep it going mentally and emotionally?" She looked at me "First if all, that made no sense! Second of all yes" she laughed "good" I replied. It went silent for a minute then Bradley rested her head in my sholder. I felt like crying but I'm a guy so I couldn't but I know she was. "Just don't make this hard for me to let you go........please." I got out. "I'll try" she said, that's then it finally hit me, I was losing the love of my life......

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