We will meet again

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I hate that guy named Jimin so much.

 Why does he have to be Jihan's brother?

I mean he is so cool and tough but his brother is a scardy cat always getting in the way of our fun. If it was for me I will kidnap him and throw him far away where he won't be able to find my Jihan back, but he always stick to him like glue.

 I don't have any other friends because they are not as cool as Jihan hyung, so I don't talk to them but because Jimin is Hyung's brother so I have to show my fake affection towards him when he is around but I get to have my way with him when he is not.

 "I have a class Jiminie, why don't you play with Jungkook-ah in the mean time", Jihan hurriedly stood up collecting his books before running for his class much to Jimin's protest.

 "So, you are ready to play Jiminie?" I asked innocently, seeing Jimin gulp visibly. 

Yes I don't call him "Hyung", even though he is older than me because he is just a weak piece of shit. 

"Why are you not answering me Jimin, did cat got your tongue", I said smirking at him. 

"I-I need t-to go to bathroom k-kookie, I'll be back", he said hurriedly getting up making me hold his wrist tightly. 

"Why hyung, stay", I said pouting fakely while tugging his wrist tightly making him fall on the ground. 

"And oh don't call me Kookie, you disgusting weak piece of shit, only Jihan hyung can call me that", I got up from my place kicking him in the stomach once making him whimper, his eyes closed shut in pain as small drops of tears made their way out of it. 

A small pang of guilt rose up in my stomach but again "he deserved it", I thought as I made my way towards the school hallway.

 "Jeon Jungkook", my name made me turned my head to see my teacher waving me to come to principal office. 

I huffed in annoyance while entering the room seeing my parents much to my surprise.

 "Come sit here Jungkook", my mother softly called me out as I made my way towards her. 

"So the transfer process is almost complete, you can collect the papers by tomorrow and Jungkook is ready to leave then", the principal said to my parents making me look at them in confusion.


"Why?", and "where?" a lot of questions were going on in my mind that I badly needed my parents to answer. 

I didn't want to leave Jihan Hyung, what will I do without him?

 I was looking at my parents in confusion pleading with my eyes for some answer. 

"Let's go home kookie, I will explain everything to you", my mother said taking my hand as we walked out of principal office. 

When we reached home, my parents lead me towards the small dining table, making me sit on one of the chairs.

 "Honey", my mother started the conversation, "We wanted to tell you this for sometime but we thought it would be best if we tell you this later", my mother said with sadness in his voice, "Your grandparents are very sick and alone in England so we thought we will move in with them to provide them support in their old age, so in a week we will be moving to London for some time now, that's why we need you to transfer school, you have one week to say goodbyes to your friends, make it count", my mother finished squeezing my hand in a consoling manner as tears continue to stream down my face. 

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