Chapter 9

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I hate him. I really don't know how I'm going to control my hands from slapping his face. I'm having second thoughts, is this money even worth the torture and suffering I'm receiving? He better not lay a hand on me like he promised. Me and Blayze had a interesting conversation before we left the house to go out and eat breakfast. I had woken up early and headed downstairs to check out the rest of the house. I saw that Blayze had a game room and a built in gym. I went to the foyer to see the double doors. Curiosity over takes me and I peeped my head into the room to see it was an office.

I walk in and examine the room. I liked the dark interior it really looked nice. I went to look at some pictures on the wall to see Blayze and his father smiling big. I then grab the first book I see and open it. To my surprise it was a album. I scan through the pictures smiling whenever I saw a cute picture or goofy picture. One picture really caught my eye. I saw Blayze arm wrapped around a girl and smiling. He looked about maybe 15 or 16 here. I turn the page to see a picture of Blayze laughing and Chris hanging up side down on a tree. I take the picture out and tuck it away in my pants pocket.

"What are you doing in here?!" I turn around to see a furious Blayze dressed in black pants and a dark blue shirt. "I-I was just looking around the-" Blayze cuts me of and snatches the album out of my hand. "Don't come in here ever again do I make myself clear!" I jump back slightly away from him. He was raising his voice and was glaring down at me. I felt a feeling I was in danger and I try to go around him. "I'm sorry Blayze okay, I was looking around the house and came in here."

"I don't give a damn about your excuses. Don't touch my things EVER!" He really yelled loudly and I bump into something and hear a crash. I look to see a vase had fallen over. "Oh my God I'm so sorry Blayze I'll try-"

"Get out!" Blayze grabs my wrist harshly and I wince in pain. "Let go of me!" He starts to pull me towards the door. I kick him behind his leg and he lets go and hisses in pain. "You are going to regret that." I swing my arm back and say, "Come any closer and I'll slap you across the face and kick you in the crotch!" He stops in his tracks anger in his eyes.

"Suzette mark my words if you lay a hand on me I will ruin not only you but the people you care about." I drop my hand and look into Blayze hateful eyes. I feel my voice start to crack. "You wouldn't dare." He steps closer to me and I stay put trying not show fear. "Oh Suzette I would. Like I told you yesterday you are worth nothing. I chose you to do this deal because people are stupid enough to think I would end up with someone like you. You are not attractive or even worth looking at. Mess this up and I will destroy what you love most."

Blayze finishes coldly and I stare back at him. Nope he is not going to have the last word. "Yesterday when you eyes were roaming all over me claims to differ. I don't care about what you think but I do know you better not physically hurt me or the kids." Blayze coldly says, "No Suzette I will not touch you." I start walking to the door and I turn around to look at Blayze. "What happened that made you this miserable person you are." I shake my head in disappointment and leave satisfied that I got the last word. I don't know what had happened that had led him to have such an outburst.

Now I'm sitting next to him with a strained smile on my face. Tyson was talking to Melody's brother Carter. The twins were eating their meal and Genesis just finished eating the food I had brought from home. We were sitting outside of a cafe with Luna, Steven, Melody, Chris, and Damon. They all seemed to sense something was wrong between me and Blayze but I decide to not to say anything and neither do they. I'm happy about that I really am not in the mood to lie and make something. Blayze however was sitting next to me with his face whipped of emotion.

We finished eating and decided to go to the mall to shop for the engagement party. Tyson went with Carter to do whatever Carter had planned today so I stayed with the kids. We stopped at a baby store to buy a stroller for the baby. We then headed to the mall to shop. The boys went somewhere in the store to find something for themselves while us girls headed to another store.

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