Fate: Kirishima X Reader

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A/N NGL I don't really like this one shot but i spent about 2 weeks tryna write it and i ain't just gonna discard something that took this long 😂

Y/N couldn't help but smile when the red headed boy walk into fatgum's office. Truthfully Y/N had become a little attached to the young hero in training, she admired his spirit and his ideology on what it meant to be a hero, despite rules stating not to she'd always help him with anything he was struggling on secretly handing him notes with the answers on or giving him extra hours on the training grounds. In reality she used this as an excuse to see him, she knew it wasn't right to be disobeying fatgum's rules but she felt a rush doing so.

Y/N sighed as she was snapped out of her thoughts and ordered by another member of fatgum's office to get ready to go on patrol

-Time skip-

Everything was dark and cold, Y/N struggled to breathe as the walls around her began to cave in. Tears slipped from her eyes and she listened to the screams above her, they were calling her name asking for her to help them....to save them. But, she couldn't. If she couldn't even save herself how could she save them? The lack of oxygen heaves at her lungs, slowly making her lose consciousness. She wasn't ready to die, she wanted to help more people, to make her parents proud, but, of all things....she wanted to see his smile again.

Darkness surrounded her and her vision became blurry, it became harder to breathe and Y/N could feel herself fading in and out of consciousness. All her attempts to free herself were in vain, no matter how much she tried she couldn't free herself. Her hands were cut and her legs couldn't carry her weight any longer. She collasped onto the uneven ground and gasped trying to gain any oxygen, the last thing she remembered was someone screaming her name....

It was miraculous that she even survived that all deal but now to told she was ready to go in a few days. Y/N wondered what happened after she passed out, who stopped the villian? How were they able to find her? What damage was caused? No one would give her any answers and they made sure she couldn't access any news channels, I guess they wanted her to take a break? Thier behavior was odd but she accepted it none the less, Y/N stared out the window overlooking the scenes below, there was a lot of people entering so she assumed another villian attack happened. She continued to stare out until she heard her hospital door slide open with a very familiar voice calling her name. She looked over only to be pulled into a bone crushing hug, she wheezed and looked at the assailant smiling once she saw their red spikey hair.

"Jeez Kiri could you loosen your grip?"
She laughed a little gently rubbing the young heroes back

But he refused and squeezed her

"Y/N you idiot!"
The young boy sobbed
"What were you thinking trying to take on that villian alone!?!"

She rolled her eyes and poked his sides

"What else was I meant to do? (Random hero) was down and no one was available for miles!"

She softly stroked his hair, trying to calm him down

"Calm down, I'm fine. I can go back to work in a few days"

The boy let go of her and pulled out some flowers from his bag shoving them in her face.

"YOU'RE SO MANLY Y/N" he shouted with tears still present.

Y/N rolled her eyes and placed the flowers on the windowsill, she opened up her arms and let the boy flop into them.
"Thankyou kiri those flowers are beautiful" she whispered softly into his ear making the tips of them burn red.

They stayed like this for a few moments, enjoying the silence and each others touch, Y/N sighed as she looked down seeing that somehow Kirishima had fallen asleep. She shook her head and slowly laid back bringing the covers over the two of them, Kirishima gripped onto her tighter in his sleep making Y/N blush slightly. She stayed like this for a while gently stroking his head and carefully listening to his breathing, bur soon a wave of tiredness washed over her, causing her to fall into slumber.

A few nurses and fatgum came to check up on Y/N but left with a small smile on their faces seeing how the two were, deciding to let them be.

A/N I'm so sorry this is actually terrible :///

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