14. Tease

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It feels weird... dating again.

My hands were shaking, heart wanting to beat out of my chest as jitters racked through my body. I had stumbled around with Jin for an hour, having him chase me around to apply more mascara. He burned my ear twice with the straightener!

I didn't let him change me though, keeping the simple white tee and black shorts I decided on in the morning.

Jungkook decided that he was going to make a mess of Jin's closet in search of an outfit that wasn't pink. Even though Jin scolded him, Jungkook kept a smile on his face, eyes only on me as Jin complained about having to reorganize everything.

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We're now walking along the shore line, shoulders causally sweeping against each other and I tried my best not to blush immensely, a complete fail.

I missed living here, seeing the ocean waves, glimmering and vast, run its methodical course against the shoreline. The rushing sounds of water always seemed to put me at peace; a completely contrast to the chaotic city life I'm living since I left.

"I wanted to do good today," Jungkook's sudden voice caused me to flinch.

"What do you mean?" My brows furrowed as I looked up at him, squinting my eyes as the blinding sun cascaded down on us in the confines of the private beach.

"Breakfast," he said shyly. "I wanted to make you a nice breakfast today. That's why I woke up so early. I wanted to impress you." 

I snorted. "Impress me? Yeah well let me take care of breakfast from now on, okay?" 

He smiled and narrowed his eyes, cute little dimple caving in as he chewed his lip in contemplation. "How about I get rid of Gustave and you can cook me breakfast every morning." 

"Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass," I replied, causing him to laugh quietly.

"You could be a maid."

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