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So that's it. I really enjoyed writing it, even though it's definitely not my best work. I'm proud of myself, and that's all that counts for me. I really hoped you enjoyed this. If you couldn't tell, the inspiration was somewhat based of 'Fix You' by Coldplay. It wasn't the original-original inspiration, but it definitely played a big part of it. I sincerely hope you enjoyed. I may get around to editing it at some point, but it honestly depends if I'm motivated enough. 

Also, this is technically the first in my 'Issues' series, a seven-part saga that includes a story about each of the Bangtan boys. All of them are connected, but each is focused on one of the boys. But it depends on, as most of the things in my life do, inspiration. I'm about a third of the way through 'Foriegn' which is Jin's tale, which takes place after this one, and I've already planned out each of the boy's stories. I'm a bit stuck at the moment, so I'm not sure if or when I'll post the next one. 

Thank you for reading 'Broken'

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