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*Angelina's POV*

Everyone's been acting weird and I don't know why.

I asked Brad and James and they said they have no clue honest to god.

Angelina I'm sure it's nothing, Brad reassured me.

Yeah Brads right. It's probably just in your head.

We changed the subject and started talking about what music we like.

I don't like talking about music or anything to do with music at all because then people might figure out that I play piano and guitar.

I looked around for something that might distract them.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already 23:00!

I should be getting to bed!

Angelina everything okay?

I must have looked worried.

I pointed at the clock.

Oh god! If Connor finds out you're still awake he's gonna kill us!

They quickly helped me into bed.

* The next day*

Brad woke me up and brought me down for breakfast.

While Brad was helping me eat, Connor called him into the living room.

He looked at me with a confused look on his face.

I just shrugged my shoulders.

After 5 mins I heard Brad yelling" Why?! Why can't I tell her?

Which was followed by Connor saying " Be quiet or Angelina might hear you!"

What isn't Connor telling me?

Brad came back in.

He had the most pissed off look on his face.

He looks at me and sighs, he came over and sat down and began helping me eat again.

So he's not going to tell me?


I give him a sad look hoping he'll take pity on me and tell me what's going on.

He saw my face and suddenly looked sad.

Angelina.... you know I can't tell you.

Damn it! I can't make him tell me! Maybe if I showed him how much I want to know maybe he'll break and spill the beans!

I began to cry.

Brad froze.

He didn't move or say anything.

He just sat there with this shocked look on his face.

Brad ran out of the room.

What just happened?

I heard Brad yelling at Connor" You think your great idea to keep this a secret is working don't you? Well it isn't! Tell Angelina what you're planning or I will! She's in there crying because everyone's keeping secrets from her!

Secrets?! What is going on?

Connor came in and sat beside me.

He took my hand and began" Angelina I know you think that everyone's keeping a really bad secret from you but we're not. Its just that we want it to be a surprise!!

And with that he walked out.

Brad came back in.

Angelina I'm sorry.

About what? What did you possibly do?

I'm sorry that I'm not telling you, but if I told you everyone would know it was me and then everyone would hate me. So you need to get them to tell you not me.

Everyone would hate him? Everyone hates me enough to not talk to me. And now they're keeping this great big secret from me.

Brad brought me upstairs.

He put on a movie and left.

Half way through the movie, I heard the door bell ring.

Connor opened and began speaking to the person at the door.

That voice! It sounds really familiar!

Connor let the person in and brought them upstairs.

The person came into my room.



Sorry for not updating in forever! I'm on hols and I have no wifi and I've been writing this chapter anywhere I can. but anyway I hope you like this chapter!!


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