Chapter 17

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Cameron's P.O.V

I walk out of my room yelling Alana's name as I hear the front door shut from down stairs, but hear nothing but silence. I walk down stairs seeing Alana laying sprawled out on the floor.

I rush over to her and check her pulse but she's barely breathing. I rush trying to dig my phone out of my pocket dropping it on the floor.

"Fuck" I yell dialing 911. It rings twice and someone picks up.

"911, what is your emergency" she says softly.

"Hi, I need a fucking ambulance here now my sister in unconscious and is barely breathing" I say crying through the phone holding her as close to me as I can.

"Ok sir there on there way I just need your address" she says calmly. I breath in slowly and give the address then ending the call.

*5 minutes later*

there's a knock on the door and I rush getting up opening it and they rush inside picking her up putting a mask on her face to help her breathing.

"Sir are you riding with us" he asks. I nod with tears strimming down my face. I run outside with them as they hook her up and see Grayson run to my side.

"What happened. What are they doing with her" he asks scared and worried with Ethan by his side. I punch him in the face angerly.

"This is your fucking fault isn't it" I yell. He stumbles backwards into Ethan's arms feeling the blood run down his nose.

The ambulance yell for me and I huff jumping into the back with them. Before they close the door I turn towards the guys I used to call friends till now.

"I better not fucking see you there" I yell at them.

I grab ahold of her hand squeezing it tightly not wanting to lose her.

"Your going to be perfectly fine. I promise" I say.

Grayson's P.O.V

I look at Ethan standing up running inside the house grabbing my keys and phone. Ethan gets in the passenger side and shakes his head.

"What the hell did you do" he says angrily. I focus on the rode focusing on the sound of the siren of the ambulance. I finally reach behind the van going 90 miles per hour.

"I should've fought for her. I've shouldn't have let her get out of the fucking car, and maybe this wouldn't be happening" I say slamming my hand against the wheel.

"Fuck" I scream extending the "k". I don't even have to look over at Ethan to know he's burying a whole in the side of my head.

"Stop fucking staring at me Ethan or I swear to god" I groan. We pull into the hospital getting out a couple minutes after the ambulance did.

I don't see anybody outside, so they must already be up in there. We run in towards the front desk to get her room number.

"Alana Loaiza" I say. She looks at her computer and does what she needs.

"What are your relations towards her" she asks.

"Cousins" I say nothing they'll let us back If I do.

"Ok third floor, room 356 it's straight across the hall" she says, I thank her running off towards the elevator clicking the button waiting for it to open. It finally opens after a while and we get on Ethan clicking 3.

"This is my fault" I mumble under my breath gripping my hair.

The door opens and I rush out seeing the door is closed. I look over seeing Alana's mom in Cameron's arms holding her tightly. She looks up at me with her mascara smeared and stands up.

"I'm so sorry, I should've been there for her." I say crying as I hold her in my arms. She shakes her head holding my head in her hands.

"No don't say that. This isn't your fault." She says.

"Mom, can't you see it is his fault his been putting so much pressure and stress on her and look where she is now." He yells pointing towards her door.

"Cameron, do you here yourself. We all know she was already struggling with her anxiety and depression, but if anything she was happy with him and you know that. We all need to stick together please" she say her voice cracking.

"I'm sorry mom your right I shouldn't have acted like that." He says softly. He looks up at me with a weak smile and I return it to him.

"Sorry about your nose, you should probably get that checked " he says giving me a brotherly hug.

"I'm fine, but are you ok" I ask and he shakes head starting to cry on my shoulder. I do the same and stay there until Ethan comes up hugging us too.

I let go punching the wall falling to the floor with my hands on my head. I shake my head hitting the wall multiple times hearing a Crack. I look up seeing there's nothing wrong with wall.

"Grayson stop, your only hurting yourself, do you think she would want that" her mom says holding my hands in hers. I shake my head but I rather feel physical pain than emotional.

I've always been that way. She's going to be okay is the only thing running through my mind at the moment I don't even hear the conversations going on around me.

All I hear is her saying "I don't love you, how could someone love you". What if she wasn't lying, what if she really doesn't love me and that's why she feels stressed because she thought she had to love me back.

I'm so overwhelmed in my own thoughts I can't seem to think what I could've done to prevent her from hurting. I'm such a fucking screw up.

I should've just did what she said from the beginning and let her go but I didn't and now she hurting because".

The doctor walks out..........TBC


Sorry to end it like that but who doesn't love a little mystery!!

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