Officially FloKai

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Silence. That was what greeted Ren Hyung’s announcement. Everyone must have been taken by surprise. For a few seconds nobody reacted.  Ren was grinning. Flo was still hiding. Flo’s dad was no longer smiling amusedly.

Since I was sitting in front of the rest I didn’t know what they looked like. My eyes glance at again at Flo’s slumped figure then at her father beside her. He looked sick.

“Mr. Khan-“ I said stood up since he looked like he was about to faint. My movement seemed to have awakened everyone from their stasis. “Flo your dad.”

“Got him.” Flo said springing up from her seat catching her father before her slumped to the ground. “Dad breathe.”

Her father raised his hand as he took deep breathes.

“Is it true?” he asked his daughter with wide eyes.

Flo sighed and kissed the top of her father’s head.

“Yes.” She answered a smile on her face which disappeared as her father blanched. “sheeze dad you look like I told you I murdered someone. Breathe.”

“Honey are you alright?” Flo’s mom entered my line of vision and I was momentarily struck at how Flo really resembled her. If this is Flo 30 years from now I’m not complaining- her mother was still stunning.  She filled a glass with water and handed it to her husband. “Darling breathe.”

“Our baby!” He exclaimed frantically at his wife making Ren chuckle and Flo to roll her eyes.

“You two stop laughing at your father.” Their mother admonished but a smile was tugging on her lips.

“This is exactly the reason why I didn’t want dad to be suddenly dumped with the news.” Flo said fanning her dad’s face.

“What do you plan then Fluff?” Aiden asked.

“Umm gradually introduce it to him.” Flo answered. “Dad calm down. Sheeze.”

“Dad if you react like this to boyfriend news I wonder how you will react when Flo says she’s getting married.” Ren said.

“Nii-chan!” Flo exclaimed a blush creeping on her face. I felt heat travel up to my face as I thought of one word. Marriage. 

“Are you?! You’re still a baby! No!” Mr. Khan exclaimed clutching her daughter’s arms making her wince.

“Ow dad my arms you’ll make it bleed again.” Flo said wincing as her father squeezed it again out of panic then lets her go.

“Are you getting married?!” He demanded.

“Dad! I’m way too young to even consider that!! I just turned 18 for pete’s sake! Calm down!” Flo said exasperated as her father started to fast breathe. “Appa!!”

“Yeobo-ah. Calm down.” Mrs. Khan said putting a hand on each of Flo’s dad’s shoulders. “Our daughter is not getting married now.”

“This is way too hilarious! Where’s my camera?” Ren said chuckling.

“You’re evil brother.” Flo said glaring at him.

“Dad you do know in Korea early arranged marriages are quite common.” Ren said the teasing tone still in his voice.

“Wait.. are you implying that the boy is Korean?” Mr. Khan said and paused he then looked at us. “All of you are Korean!”

 I stiffened as I felt some eyes on me and then Flo’s mother’s eyes were on me.  I fidgeted and looked away as the heat doubled on my face.

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