Chapter Four: Bad Boy Siblings

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4 | Bad Boy Siblings

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4 | Bad Boy Siblings

After lunch that day, my next few periods went by quickly and I was finally on my way home. I usually walked home with Scott and Will but since Scott had football practice and Will had to go work: I was on my own and on my way to pick up my little sister, Charlotte from school.

Usually, if I was walking home by myself without any of my friends, I would feel awkward and would quickly walk home-but not today. Sure, the majority of my day was pure crap, but now it was actually starting to lighten up all because of this 'Bad Boy Blueprint' that's certain to flip my life around, three sixty. Not only would I become a Bad Boy and catch Bradley's attention, people will now respect me and treat me differently. I was tired of being known as 'Liam Argent, the dorky, younger brother of Shane Argent'.

When my brother Shane attended my school, he was the epitome of Golden Boy perfection. He had all of the attributes of the typical, cliché Bad Boy as well as the popularity and fame that everyone craved for in the 'High School World'. He had-and still has-girls falling head over heels for him, he was the quarterback of the football team and the star of the soccer team and let's not forget the fact that he had stellar grades and was friends with everyone in the school.

I continued walking until I reached the familiar, worn out building in which my little sister attended first grade. I myself attended the school in my younger years as well as a lot of kids in our quaint, little town known as Greendale. As I reached the main entrance of the building, I searched throughout the abundance of little kids and annoyed teachers so I could find my sister. Scanning the area, my eyes fallen upon a familiar girl. She was taller than the other kids around her and she clearly looked as if she was a teenager. Her long, indie hair was pulling back into a messy bun and strands of her hair were flowing behind her. She herself was struggling to keep up with a little boy who kept running around playing with his friends.

"Ocean, wait for me!" She pleaded, as she ran behind him. Small giggles escaped his mouth as he continued to chase after his friends. An exasperated breath exited her mouth as she tiredly followed behind him.

"Lee Lee," whined a familiar young voice from behind me. As she tugged on my bag, I turned around and looked down to see my little sister, Charlotte. Her big brown eyes looked back at me excitedly, as she stepped closer and hugged my leg."I missed you,"

Crouching down, I looked at my sister and smiled, "I missed you too, Charlie," I chuckled. Lifting her off of the ground, I carried her on my hip as she wrapped her arms around my neck for support. "What did you do today?" I questioned her, as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Nothing much," She admitted, her voice muffled by my ear. "We learned some new words, drew pictures and oh yeah, I got a boyfriend."

"A what?" I questioned, as I quickly shifted into my 'Big Brother' mode. "Who's this boy, Charlie?"

"Him," She said, pointing to a boy. It's was the brown haired boy named Ocean, that was still running around with his friends. "Ocean!" My sister yelled, her voice incredibly loud next to my ear. "Come and meet my big brother, Liam!"

Ocean turned his attention to us, as a big smile grew upon his face. Running over to us, he stopped and waved. "Hi," he said, and at that point I was putting Charlie back down on her feet. "I'm Ocean," He introduced, his blonde curls falling into his face as his big emerald eyes twinkled in amazement.

"I see, I see," I said, as I crouched down in front of the first graders. "I heard you're dating my sister,"

"Yup," He replied, popping the 'p'. "She's really pretty,"

"Ocean!" bellowed a voice from behind us, "What the hell are you doing?" Turning around, I looked up and instantly connected eyes with Aviary. Her hands were on the hips of her jean skirt and her facial expression appeared to be very angry.

"Aviary," I said, standing back up. "What are you doing here?"

"Kidnapping kids," She retorted, with a smile on her face. After a few seconds of awkward staring, she laughed and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, "I'm joking, Argent,"

"I know," I said, as a smile tainted my lips.

"Hi, I'm Charlie," My sister greeted, as she stepped in between Aviary and I.

"What a cute name, Charlie," Aviary complimented as she waved at my sister. "You're sister's polite, unlike you,"

"Yeah," I said, running my fingers through my brown locks, "I'm sorry about this morning. I didn't mean to be rude, it's just that I was going through a lot of shit that morning and..yeah,"

"It's okay," She laughed. At that moment, we were all walking together on our way home. The little ones were ahead of us, playing with each other. After a moment of silence, I opened my mouth an spluttered out a random question without thinking, "So, when did you move to Greendale,"

"A few weeks ago," Aviary replied, grasping onto the straps of her bag as she walked, "during Winter Break,"

"Oh," I said, glancing over at Aviary, I started to analyze her. Her blonde hair was still in it's messy bun, her facial expression was no longer upset, but was now calm. A small smile was on her face, but it faded away when she caught me staring at her.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked, the same question that she asked me earlier on in first period. "You've been doing that a lot, Argent,"

"I'm sorry," I apologizing, awkwardly smirking, "If you don't mind me asking, where do you live?"

"On Sycamore, with my sister and her wife,"

"Oh that's nice," I replied, "So is Ocean your nephew or your brother,"

"He's my nephew, I've been picking him up from school because his mom, which is my sister, sometimes works a late shift as well as her partner,"

"Oh that's cool," I said.

"Why were you angry this morning?" Aviary questioned after a few minutes of mutual silence between us. Rolling my eyes, I ran my fingers through my hair once again.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because all day I've been hearing something about you and some girl. What happened between you guys?"

"Nothing," I muttered, avoiding eye contact. After responding, Aviary looked at me and exhaled, sounding very annoyed.

"You know for a guy, you act a lot like a little bitch,"

"Excuse me?" I questioned, as a smile tainted her pink lips. "You barely know me?"

"I know, but I can already tell,"

"Whatever," I shrugged, chuckling at her comment. As we reached the end of the block, I turned in the direction of my house, calling Charlie over to me. "I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow," I said, nodding goodbye to her.

"Whatever you say, Argent," She smirked, tucking a piece of her hair behind her pierced ears.

"Can you please just call me 'Liam'?" I informed, as I picked up my sister and carried her. "'Argent' is so' 'formal',"

"I like 'Argent' better." She smiled walking away. Laughing to myself, I shook my head and watched as she crossed the street, holding Ocean's hand.

I hope you guys like this chapter (please tell me it doesn't suck, I feel like it does 😫). If you guys really like this book, I would love it if you nominated it for 'cutest novel' or another suitable category for @OfTheWeek's 'Of The Month:August' competition. Since this chapter was written on my phone, there are most likely a few mistakes that will be corrected once I get on the computer. Vote and Comment because all is highly appreciated :3

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