Divination, psychic, & intuition spells

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1: "Candle Prayer Magic for Divination"
This spell helps you achieve your dream/goal but will also tell you how easily it will happen.

You will need:
- a candle

1) Cast a Circle, bring yourself to a meditative state, and envision your desire coming true.

2) Once you have a clear image in your head, light the candle. As it burns, the released energy will work to bring your desire to you.

3) Look at the flame of the candle. The way it behaves will tell you how quickly your desire will come true.
- If the candle emits black smoke when you first light it, it's removing negative energy from your desire, helping you manifest it faster.
- If the smoke is white, your desire will come true but there may be some delay or struggle before this happens.
- If the flame of the candle is weak, the candle is working very hard to remove an obstacle which is in the way of your desire. It may take time; there's heavy opposition against you and you may need patience.
- If the smoke is blowing in your direction, your prayer is being acknowledged, and will be easily granted.
- If the smoke is blowing away from you, you will still need to persevere a lot in order to have your desire come true.
- If the smoke is blowing to the right, you will have success if you use your intellect to obtain your desire.
- If the smoke is blowing to the left, you are being warned that you're becoming too emotionally involved in your desire, which may prevent it from coming true.
- If you hear a crackling sound as the candle burns, then Spirit is working against some opposition on your behalf.

2: "Truth Spell"
This is a simple spell to help you reveal the truth about any situation. It can be helpful if you feel that something is being purposefully hidden from you, or if you seek clarity about any situation in your life.

You will need:
- a lapiz lazuli stone, a lapiz lazuli orgonite stone, or any stone that you associate with truth
- a white or purple candle

1) Cast a Circle. Light the candle in front of you, and meditate on the light of the flame for a few minutes, clearing your mind of all thought as best you can.

2) Take the lapis lazuli crystal into your hand. Close your eyes and see a bright white flame in your mind. See the flame growing larger and larger, filling the whole circle with light. Make this light as strong as you can, and hold this image for a minute or so. Then, send this light into the crystal you are holding. Visualise the lapis stone absorbing all the light inside the circle, until it glows brighter than a thousand flames. Repeat the following incantation:

"May the truth I seek
Be revealed to me,
May the hidden come to light,
So mote it be."

3) Close the Circle. The lapis lazuli crystal is now enchanted to reveal the truth of any situation. Before you go to sleep, place the crystal under your pillow, and intend for the truth to be revealed to you in your dreams (you don't need to remember your dreams for this to work – the truth will come to you in the form of intuition and gut feelings during the day).

4) When you are not using the crystal, keep it wrapped in a white cloth, and don't let it be handled by anyone other than yourself.

3: "Increase Your Psychic Abilities"
This spell is intended to help you increase your intuition and psychic abilities.

You will need:
- 4 purple candles
- one white candle
- frankincense or jasmine incense
- a notebook
- Full Moon or Waxing Moon

1) Cast your Circle. Place the four purple candles around you, corresponding to north, east, south and west. Light the stick of incense, and place the white candle in front of you.

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