Job spells

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1: "Getting a Job Candle Spell"
This simple spell will help you to find a new job.

You will need:
- a green candle
- rosemary oil

1) Dress the green candle with rosemary oil, and place it in a holder on your altar. Light the candle.

2) Place your hands down on the altar on either side of the candle and gaze into the flame. Picture yourself getting an interview, being made a job offer, and even getting a first paycheck. Tell yourself that you are worthy of employment, and that you are getting a job you will enjoy and that will meet your financial needs.

3) Get it all firmly planted in your mind, and believe it to be true. Let the candle burn for a half hour, then blow it out. Burn it on consecutive nights until it burns out.

2: "Candle Spell to Find a Job"
Use this spell only after you have submitted your resume or application.

You will need:
- a green candle
- a red candle
- a sharp knife, a needle, or a pin

1) With the needle or knife, write the name of the company(s) you want to work for on the side of the green candle.

2) On the red candle, carve the victory rune Tiwaz, that looks like an arrow pointing up:

2) On the red candle, carve the victory rune Tiwaz, that looks like an arrow pointing up:

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3) Carve your full name below the rune. Burn both candles for 30 minutes on Thursday after the sun sets, while visualizing yourself getting the kind of job you want. At the end of the 30 minutes, snuff the candles (do not blow them out). Burn them each Thursday after that for 15 minutes until they burn out, or until you get the job. Dispose of the candles and leave a small bowl of milk outside overnight as an offering.

3: "Luck Spell for Business/Job"
This is a knot spell to bring you luck and success in your career.

You will need:
- a green silk cord or ribbon (13in, or 33cm)

1) Chant the following while tying knots in the cord/ribbon:

"By knot of one, my spell's begun.
By knot of two, plenty fruitful work to do.
By knot of three, money comes to me.
By knot of four, opportunity knocks at my door.
By knot of five, my business (or career) thrives.
By knot of six, this spell is fixed.
By knot of seven, success is given.
By knot of eight, increase is great.
By knot of nine, these things are mine!"

2) Put the cord in a safe place and forget about it.

4: "Office Blessing"
This is a blessing that you can use to bless your workspace (you might want to do this after everyone has gone home, or before people arrive in the morning).

You will need:
- 4 coins

1) Starting with the corner closest to the North, and going clockwise, put a coin in each corner.

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