Cliche 4

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Somehow, the two main characters end up at a restaurant and they meet this former hooker in a waitress outfit.

1. She is basically a remake of the "high school slut". Maybe she became a waitress after graduating.

2. She displays her breasts like they were a commodity at the farmers market.

3. She hits on the male main character shamelessly. It's like she is not there to work hard and earn her keep, she is there to pick up hot dudes in a RELATIONSHIP.

4. She always gets told off or insulted by the female main character for being a "slut" if she as much as smiles to the male main character. Okay.

5. She is always a bleach blonde with fake eyelashes that would make an Arabian camel jealous and she is always batting them. Maybe she's just blinking but she's a whore and everything she does is to gain attention.


Todd sat there smirking at for no reason at all while Jessica giggled like hyena. All of a sudden, a slutty waitress appeared from nowhere. She has a ton of makeup caked on her face and her shirt was barely containing her fake breasts. She flipped her fake blonde hair, popped her gum before asking "Howw can I help yuh?"

Jessica rolled her eyes at how desperate she was being. The waitress then turned around and smiled at Todd seductively while twirling a strand of her fake blonde hair. That bitch!

"Excuse me, why don't you take your fake extensions, fake blonde hair, fake boobs, fake tan and fake eyes back to wherever your fake ass came from!" Jessica sneered.

This exact scene is in more than a billion books.

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