Holding On

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The alpha seemed genuine, but I didn't believe her. I felt like she was trying to work an angle and I didn't appreciate it. Maybe she was trying to fool me into a false sense of security and then she was going to rip the rug out from under my feet and feed me to her pack as a snack. I was too bony to be a snack. God, I was as good as dead.

"I dislocated my hip fighting last week. How did you know to aim there?" The alpha asked.

"You were limping." I shrugged as if it was obvious.

"Hm." The noise seemed unlike the usual alpha, always serious and proper.

"We should get going if we're going to make it to school on time." Isaac tapped my shoulder and started walking out of the gym.

I turned back to the alpha as if expecting her to say something else, but she stood and watched me with no emotion, allowing me to leave. I gave a small nod and left the gym, jogging to meet up with Isaac. We went home to change because I had sweat like a pig from the push-ups alone. The bus had come in the middle of me putting new pants on which led to me trying to run with my pants around my knees.

One thing led to another and I ended up tripping over my own feet and falling, smacking my face into my door and cutting my cheek open. I could feel the bruise forming and blood rushing to the surface, but I was already late and I didn't have time to cover it, so I finished putting my pants on and ran to the bus, catching Isaac holding the door open for me.

I took my usual seat next to Isaac and he gave me a once over. I was sure I looked like hell, but I didn't have enough time to correct it. I forgot to get a belt and I didn't feel like carrying my pants around all day, but I guess what choice did I have now. I sighed and slumped back into the seat which was anything but comfortable.

"What the hell did you do?" Isaac asked incredulously.

"I... slipped," I admitted.

Isaac erupted in laughter and I rolled my eyes at his antics. The bus dropped us off in front of the school and I tried to avoid all the stares that were directed towards me. I knew they were all because of the bruise on my face, but I chose to ignore it. I spent the majority of the first three classes ignoring everyone that asked questions and giving snarky remarks. It's a miracle I have any friends at all.

At the end of the third period of the day, I walked with Isaac and leaned against the lockers next to him while he searched through the disaster he calls a locker. He was rummaging through a giant pile of papers when he halted and lifted his head straight up. He hadn't found what he was looking for, so I could only assume it meant trouble.

The moment I turned around, I saw why Isaac had suddenly gone rigid. He had heard the alpha speaking to other students. I watched as she spotted us and excused herself from her seemingly normal conversation. She was directly in front of me before I had a chance to react.

"What are you doing here?" I frantically asked. "This is a school, a public place, which you should not be in."

Instead of replying to my question, the alpha reached her hand up and grabbed my chin before I could flinch. She turned my head so my bruise was directly in her line of sight and released her hold. I gingerly rubbed the spot she had grabbed so roughly. I'm sure it wasn't intentional, but I couldn't be certain when it came to her.

"This wasn't here when I saw you this morning." A sudden look of anger washed over the alpha's face. "Did someone hit you? Was it Isaac? I can't have this kind of turmoil in my pack and I don't feel like dealing with drama. It wouldn't make sense for him to hit you now that I think about it. Are you being bullied? If you're being bullied I swear on God almighty-"

"Woah, slow down. I'm not being bullied. No one hit me. I... slipped." I held my hands up in surrender.

The alpha's anger was replaced by confusion. "You've been the first person to sweep me off my feet in months. I didn't peg you for clumsy." Alpha Maria said as one eyebrow raised high on her forehead.

"Wow Dill Pickle, you really have a lady fighting all your battles?" Liam said while situating himself into our conversation.

Liam was the asshole that tried to torment kids while making it seem like a joke for the sake of his popularity. I tried to avoid him but he didn't seem to get the hint. Dill pickle was a nickname he invented as a joke that he thought was the funniest thing in the world. I, however, disagreed.

Liam looked down at the alpha and she didn't seem to take notice of his presence. I wasn't sure if she was ignoring him or just really socially awkward. I was going to guess it was a mixture of both because I hadn't really figured her out yet. Liam leaned back to get a full view of her body.

"And a girl with such a fine ass." Liam whistled.

I was about to yell at Liam for being so rude but the alpha had other plans.

"If you believe I'm Dylan's girl, why would you disrespect him and hit on me?" She asked sweetly.

"I'm sure you'd like to be with a real man rather than that beanpole. Come on baby, drop him and let's get out of here." Liam leaned down to get closer to her face while speaking and she held her position despite his breath now blowing straight onto her skin.

"I'm sorry did you expect me to believe you were a real man?" The alpha scoffed.

Isaac laughed beside me and I noticed I had completely forgotten he was there. Liam towered over the alpha and used one of his hands to cage her against the lockers. Liam stood up straighter to be able to press his hips against alpha Maria. She didn't seem pleased with his action.

"I can prove I'm a real man. Unlike this virgin next to me, I've got plenty of experience." Liam tried to make his voice sound seductive.

"I wish you wouldn't press your hips into me because now I know that you're smaller than my pinky. If you say anything about Dylan or Isaac again I will cause you pain, do you understand?" Alpha Maria's words seemed calm but I could tell she was getting fed up.

"Sure you will, little lady," Liam said before nodding his head towards me. "Control your woman before she gets herself in trouble."

Without saying a word, the alpha swept her arm up and smacked her palm down onto Liam's elbow which caused him to hit his face against the lockers. His hand shot up to hold his nose which I suspected might bleed. I quickly grabbed a hold of the alpha's free hand and pulled her away from Liam and down the hallway, Isaac in tow. I pushed open the door to an empty classroom and pulled the alpha inside.

No one spoke for a solid minute, and through the door, we could hear the late bell ringing in the hallways.

"Why are you here?" I said as more of a demand than a question. Before the alpha answered me, she looked down at my hand which was still wrapped around her wrist.

Her dainty wrist had been small enough for me to wrap my hand completely around it, and I could feel the warmth traveling from her body into mine. I followed her line of sight and undid my grasp on her wrist. Some part of me missed the warmth but the other was revolted I'd touched her at all.

"I got a lead on a group of teenagers that were training to become hunters. I wanted to pay them a visit." She sighed.

"So you're not staying?" I asked.

"I don't know who the group is. I need to find them first. I could be here for a week or two." The alpha shrugged. I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair, but the alpha stayed still.

"Because you'll most likely be seeing me around, you shouldn't address me as alpha. It might raise suspicion." Alpha Maria said.

"So just Maria?" I asked, my excited voice now much calmer. I liked the way her name felt rolling off of my tongue. My body felt foreign, and I hated what being in close proximity to her did to me.

"Just Maria." The alpha affirmed.

Alpha Mariaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن