Chapter 4

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(3rd Person)

After Asia contacted him, (Y/N) had quickly arrived at the location at Issei's house. However... he didn't seem to see anyone, not even Issei's house was lit up, it was an almost abandoned street. (Y/N) looked around in suspicion before unclenching his right hand to reveal evil energy coursing off his palm. Even though he had a phone call from Asia, the one person who helps calm him, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel on edge hence why he suddenly decided to use his evil energy.

Just as (Y/N) was thinking of searching for Asia, he heard a pair of light footsteps slowly advancing from behind, he didn't dare make a sudden move in case it was an enemy, instead he slowly turned his head to find a very familiar face that he hadn't seen in years... the very same one to teach him never to accept any power as 'just his limit', the very same person who informed him who murdered his family... and she hadn't even aged a single day!

(Y/N): Is that really you? If it is, you haven't aged a single day since we last met... Ophis.

Ophis was a small girl with long black hair going down to her hips, grey eyes that coldly stared at the teenager who was now taller than her, rather the same height. She wore a black gothic lolita dress with a massive purple bow tied at the back.

Ophis: It has been years (Y/N). Last I saw you, you were just about to give up finding a family that will adopt you at that orphanage.

(Y/N): Yeah well... even I've got a breaking point.

Ophis: Indeed, you're only human after all...

Ophis then silently regarded the evil energy still sparking off (Y/N)'s palm, however her expression didn't change one bit.

Ophis: You're still on edge? Even in the presence of a friend?

(Y/N): Are you supposed to be a friend?

Ophis: You don't see me as one? How hurtful of you...

(Y/N): Friends don't stay as a little girl for life... not normal ones that is... in other words: friends shouldn't be hiding secrets from each other, or so I've heard.

Silence loomed over the two, and (Y/N) another presence, though they were sticking to the shadows and judging by their intent, they're patiently waiting for Ophis to signal something for them to attack. (Y/N) scoffed before raising his hand to show his evil energy to Ophis who didn't seem to react.

Ophis: I haven't come to harm you (Y/N).

(Y/N): Then tell your friend to stop hiding.

Ophis: Unfortunately that isn't possible.

(Y/N): Then we've got nothing to discuss...

The teenager just turned his back, while many think of it as foolish, Ophis saw he was being tactical: his evil energy can easily create a shockwave that'll blast away any attacker that dares to strike when his back's turned. Ophis however wasn't reacting to (Y/N)'s sudden depature expression wise... however...

Ophis: Unless you want Asia to die, I suggest you stay to listen to me...

The magic sentence caused the boy to instantly turn, evil energy coursing through both his palms with wide eyes of rage while his evil energy wing manifested, pulsing dangerously while his teeth were close to breaking from the amount of rage suddenly coursing through his system.

(Y/N): What was that!?

The other presence's power spiked in response to (Y/N). But the teenager noticed Ophis shake her head, probably to signal the person with her not to attack.

Ophis: You know... you haven't asked me how I was able to manipulate Asia's voice over the phone, much less get her phone...

(Y/N): She must've dropped on the way home, she's new to technology after all. Plus there's plenty of simple spells that can change your appearance and your voice, it's an easy spell for anyone who's into magic.

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