Chapter 14

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(Y/n)'s POV

Instead of the slap I was anticipating, Mikleo pulled me into a tight hug. I almost gasped in surprise but didn't do anything to push him away. This felt nice...having a friend comfort you wasn't so bad but...

"I knew something was- is still happening. Honestly, I didn't know what to do. Shiori kept trying to see into my heart. I...hated it," he exclaimed softly.
"...I'm sorry. I never should've-"
"Stop! Just stop. I don't want any more excuses. Please tell me the truth."

I pulled away from his embrace and stepped back. I didn't want to tell him. He didn't need to know the ugly truth. He didn't need to be put in danger.


Maybe it was because I didn't want to lose him as a friend. I was afraid that he'd leave me if I told him everything. But someone like me didn't deserve friends, so what was the point of saving him from the truth?

"...m-maybe another time, Mikleo. I um, you should go back to Sorey and Shiori. They're probably getting impatient."
"Actually, I'm not gonna leave you alone anymore. Let's practise together," he said with a gentle smile on his face.

Before I could give him a proper reply, he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the shade of a nearby tree. I watched as he made water form from nothing.

A pang of jealousy hit my heart, it almost felt like a heart attack. He could control his powers so easily, so effortlessly...why was I the only one that couldn't? Why did I have to be born like this?!

"So? What's your power?" Mikleo asked, completely oblivious to my concerns.
"I-I haven't been able to use it much so I can't do anything now..."
"You said it wasn't a main element, right? Then it shouldn't affect us that much."

That was wrong. Although it may not have not been one of the four main elements you'd normally think of, this one was no less powerful. What did he think I could do? Just turn invisible? But that was something my body did against my will...

Maybe it was because of all the worrying thoughts I had but my body slowly became a demon sucking away my soul. Mikleo's gaze didn't waver. Maybe he was already used to the monster I was...

"Hey, are you just too embarrassed to show me? Why? Are you that ashamed of it? I wonder what you parents might think to know that their own daughter is ashamed of their powers," he exclaimed jokingly but that stung my heart.
"I'm an orphan. My parents abandoned me."
"Oh, I didn't mean-"
"I know you didn't. Don't get too hung up about it. I've already long forgotten about the hatred I felt for them."

I forced a smile and pretended to show interest in the spell we were learning. It seemed like he still didn't believe my act but continued to play along anyway. I was grateful for that.

~A few minutes later~

I laid down next to him, exhausted from all the running around. Somehow, Mikleo managed to make me forget about everything. It was fun.

"You know, smiling doesn't hurt. It suits you way better," he teased, which made me blush slightly.

I was suddenly dragged to my feet and slammed against the tree. Oww...I looked up and realised that I didn't know this boy.

"Why the hell did you hurt Shiori, huh?!" he asked, clearly angered.
"And who might you be?"
"Tch, you don't even know who I am? Pathetic. I'm her brother, who else would I be?"
"I don't know, her overreacting boyfriend? Wait, someone like her wouldn't even be able to get one."
"Say that again, I dare you."
"*smirks* Oh really?"

His grip on my shoulder was strong enough to crush my bones. I managed not to wince and glared at him as he looked me in the eyes.

Well, this sure was a surprise. I never knew that Shiori had a brother, nor one that looked attractive. Well, I guess everyone thought she was pretty so it was understandable. What I didn't get was why she didn't decide to tell him about me earlier.

"Get your hands off of her," Mikleo said angrily.
"Oh, it's you. Shiori's new boyfriend. What the hell are you doing hanging out with another girl? Are you cheating on my sister?"
"Tch, you don't even know who I am."
"Your name's Mikleo, right? Shiori told me. I'm Yuma. Anyway, you should go back to her. She looks really upset. I'll just take this girl for myself. She looks cute."

I struggled to get out of his grasp, and remained pinned under his strong arms. Mikleo already had water surrounding his fists, his anger showing clearly in his bright eyes.

Yuma just smirked and turned his eyes back to me. I glared at him but his arrogant look didn't waver one bit. How strong was he? Or did he not realise the danger he was in?

"Mikleo, go find Shiori. This idiot doesn't know anything."
"(Y/n), I-"
"Sorry but I'll never tell you anything. Leave me alone. It was fun while it lasted. *sigh* I really do wonder why you believe me every time. I'm always lying to your face."
"Ha, why don't you listen to her?" Yuma asked with a loud laugh.

Mikleo met my gaze. I didn't know if he could tell that I said that to make Yuma let him go unscathed but it worked. He hesitantly walked away while I remained trapped in Yuma's grasp.

Now, it was time to see how much Yuma knew about me. Honestly, from his actions, I doubted that he knew much about my identity.

"So what should we do now?" he asked, a playful glint in his violet eyes.

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