Chapter 6- The Sorting, and New Begginings

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I stared at the red head suddenly getting very nervous. The memories of my childhood coming back to me. All the bullying and discrimination against me causing me and Lupin to move into the woods.

My grip became tighter on the handle of my suitcase and wand. Harry sat down across from the red head but I just stood there staring. Willow adjusted himself and climbed onto my shoulder.

"BLOODY HELL WOMEN!" The Red Head said.

"What?" I muttered.

"THERE'S A BLOODY BOWTRUCKLE!" He said getting ready to slap him off my shoulder.

"Merlin's beard! Don't hurt him! He didn't do anything to you!" I said picking up Willow and bending down getting ready to put him in the case.

The red head watched in horror and I glared at him. Harry seemed confused as I got ready to open the case. I then remembered that I didn't know if there were any dangerous creatures they couldn't handle in there. So I got back up and placed Willow in my pocket.

I sat in a far corner on the side Harry was on and took out my book. I opened to the page about the thunderbird and read it.

I listened to the red head and Harry talk. The red head was now identified as Ron Weasley. I've heard of the Weasley's. Father says they're and... ok family.

After awhile a women with a trolley of snacks came by.

"Anything off the trolley dears?" She said with a preppy tone.

"No thank you ma'am." I said twiddling my wand between my fingers.

"No thanks I'm set." Ron said picking up a bundle of sandwiches. I gave him a sad look and he nodded at me with the 'I know right' look.

Harry on the other hand brought a lot of stuff. He shared with Ron and gave me a chocolate frog after he got Dumbledore. I opened it and let the actual chocolate frog jump off. I took the card inside out and rolled my eyes.

To my disgust I saw Barty Crouch. The man that put my father in Azkaban without a trial.

"Who'd you get?" Ron said.

Harry looked over my shoulder and said "Barty Crouch. Who's that?"

"The hero who put Sirius Black behind bars after exposing your parents to Voldemort. You'd have parents if it weren't for him." Ron said.

"BARTY CROUCH IS NOTHING OF THE SORT! HE'S A BASTARD! I HATE HIM!" I yelled with a growl that resembled a wolf.

"What's got your hair in a knot?" Ron said surprised and Harry looked shocked at my random mood.

"Ohhh. I don't know probably because he's the entire reason why I don't have a father anymore and I have to visit Azkaban every two weeks!"

I than took my wand and lit the card a flame. I threw it on the floor than stepped on it to ignite the flame.

Ron looked at me with more shock and Harry seemed scared of me. I took a deep breathe and put my head in my hands. I started to think of Lupin and My Father.

I already missed them. I missed making fun of Lupin for burning the occasional muggle meal. I missed going to see my dad and telling him the stories about the local wildlife or of how Willow would frighten Lupin by just sitting in random places. And than watching him smile.

But than my thought drifted to the case. Newt Scamander's case that was passed down to me. How am I connected to him? I've never known my mother since she died while giving birth to me. I looked up and noticed Ron and Harry had continued there conversation.

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