1.10 (Edited)

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*first edit*
Edited Note: This chapter is edited. Old comments may not make sense. Unedited first arc chapters will also be slightly off from the edited ones.The majority of this chapter is told through Wang Shuo's point of view. Some things mentioned in this chapter may make people uncomfortable. I will say, though, that I think I've improved with the realisticality of the reactions in this arc and gotten better with writing angst, uwu.

Wang Shuo lied awake on his bed, not feeling like getting up and facing the new day. Not after yesterday.

The only good thing that happened yesterday was that the bodyguard was able to report that Sun Hui was out late at night due to a job he had recently gotten at a restaurant. Wang Shuo was ultimately happy that Sun Hui was getting some independence and had an excuse to be away from the rest of the Suns, but then he remembered the rejection and realized he had no right to be happy for someone he didn't deserve. He immediately went back to sulking over someone he couldn't have.

It was funny. In the beginning, Wang Shuo loathed the idea of falling in love. He hated the idea of swinging for the other team. And in a matter of days, Sun Hui made him want to become engulfed by love for the boy. He had begun anticipating the future together, to only have it ripped it away.

It was cruel, but perhaps deserved. This was punishment for his earlier ignorant actions. He had pushed away the only one who cared about him, pushed away the only real person in his life, and pushed away the one he loved probably forever.

But he refused to let this deter him. He would never give up, would never stop...he just had to keep trying...in this life, and the next, and all the ones after that. He knew Sun Hui felt something towards him, even if it was just lust and not love. He would make it turn to love. And if not, then he can live with Sun Hui just lusting after him. Anything he can use to keep him at his side.

He only needed to not make him so shy around his presence for him to at least accept that part for anything between them to ever happen.

As much as Wang Shuo wanted to go to the Sun's house for one more glance at Sun Hui, he knew he wouldn't want to see him. After being rejected like that, when he had never been rejected before, Wang Shuo wasn't too sure if he wanted to see him either at the moment when his pride was wounded. So he sent a nonchalant text to Sun Lin telling her he wouldn't be picking her up and went to school all alone by himself.

Wang Shuo was too unmotivated and brooding to notice the weird atmosphere of students around him when he arrived at the school.

"Shuo, have you seen what's been going on?" a voice interrupted his melancholy bubble.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Wang Shuo finally took in his surroundings and noticed that...people were whispering. But it felt like they were talking about him instead of the latest gossip or a new bullied victim.

"Photos—" Fang Jian wasn't able to finish before Wang Shuo hurried past him, staring at the large bulletin wall full of photos...that were of him.

Photos that were fake or he did not even remember ever happening, such as hanging around girls he never knew existed or some shady looking areas he had never been to, were posted everywhere. Then there were some obscene photos of showcasing him nude for everyone to see. But the one perhaps most damaging and embarrassing was in the middle of it all for everyone to see.

It was the photo of him in a sex club.

He had actually gone around two years ago when he was sixteen. He had gotten a fake ID that said he was eighteen before going. To be honest, this was around his first time ever of getting intimately physical with someone, and he had been...embarrassingly now that he thought about it, looking for ways to make it interesting. While he never participated in the club, he did watch and learn from displays and exhibitions. He thought he would try it out once in a while, but...he never really got the opportunity because deep down he was afraid that it would make for gossip with the girls he was with, and the damage to his reputation would be irreversible much to his parents' disappointment. Regardless, he had become a full member of the club and they had taken this photo to commemorate him.

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