26. I Love You

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Jin's plan surprisingly worked.

After lying our way into one of the most well off businesses in the country we actually managed to find Jungkook. 

Unfortunately, Jin forgot to mention the most important part of the plan.

What to do when we actually found him.

I sat on the ground frozen in place, my eyes popped wide and mouth agape. I hadn't seen Jungkook since our fight, since I saw a side of him I never wanted to see again. I've spent the past couple of weeks hating myself and everything else in the world. Throwing my own pity party out of the guilt I felt for harming everyone around me, even myself. 

But the one person I couldn't hate was him.

He's right in front of me, staring down with wide eyes, expensive suit hugging his well muscled body perfectly, a mixture of emotions swirling across his features. But I couldn't seem to focus, my mind was too preoccupied with the damage I caused to my life, his life.

'I should have went to see him sooner. Selfish yet again.'

Jin held out a hand and helped me stand back up on my feet. My head swirled in pain as I stood up a bit too quickly with a head injury and ended up toppling forwards. I felt two arms circle around my body but I couldn't manage to lift my head to see who saved me from another fall.

Jungkook simply jerked his head at the two other nicely dressed men standing behind him in confusion. 

They bowed before leaving and Jungkook took no time at all to speak. "You idiot," he quickly glanced at Jin before brushing a few strands of hair from my face. "How the hell did you guys even get in here?" 

His voice. 

That sound warmed my body, starting at my toes and shot up through my finger tips. For a moment I felt at peace, the world stilled as I recognized the sturdy arms that held me close to his chest. The same arms that held me above my own sea of troubles, saved me from drowning in myself many times.

"You know, you should really get better security for-- y/n!"

Another jolt of pain rippled through my head and I cried out in pain.

"Ju... Jungkook... "

My world went black.


"I just hope she's okay." 

I heard his voice again, the smooth vibrato I missed so much was sounding off from beside me in the bed I was laying on. I could feel the dip in the mattress on my right where Jungkook must be sitting. I could hear the heart monitor beeping, the only other sound in the room besides the air conditioner.

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