Two|| That's no Way to Treat a Friend

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"Some things are more precious because they don't last long." -Oscar Wilde

Two|| That's no Way to Treat a Friend

I tapped my fingers nervously on the lunch table as I stared at Parker's "stalker", Danielle Fabray. After asking Mr. Adams for a restroom break, I rushed into the cafeteria- where the Juniors were having lunch- and started shoving through them.

And just when I was about to pass out of exhaustion and sit down and cry, I luckily spotted her on the tables located outside. 

Danielle sent me a smile and pushed a lose strand of her hair behind her ear, "What do you need, stranger?" She asked in a friendly tone.

 Danielle was what you would call a nerd. She was smaller than the average Junior, she had strawberry blonde hair and huge glasses, so she found herself pushing them further up the bridge of her nose at any given moment. And to complete the look, she had braces that were made up of various colors.

You'd think this girl spent her Saturday nights listening to a catchy pop song instead of watching a boy's every move.

Huh, teenagers these days.

"My name's Ellie and I'm one of Parker's friends. . ." I trailed off and hoped she didn't catch the grimace on my face when I mentioned Parker. 

Unlike me, her eyes lit up at the sound of Parker's name and her smile got impossibly bigger. "Parker? Did he finally think things through?" She questioned with a hopeful expression, but it disappeared as soon as it had appeared. "Why did he send you? Why didn't he come instead?"

How do you break a little girl's hopes and dreams without coming out as mean? 

"He sent me here to tell you that he doesn't want you around him anymore," I muttered and directed my gaze at the ground. I couldn't see her, but I could feel her glaring at me. 

"You want him for yourself, right?" she said. 

There was an awkward pause before Danielle spoke again. "He'll just break your heart like he has done to every other girl. He doesn't want you, he's just looking for another toy to play with," she sneered and stood up, "You can have him, but when he does leave you, I won't be there. Take care, Ellie Collins."

I was about to tell her that she had it all wrong. That I had no interest in him whatsoever. But I had already been in the "restroom" for at least 15 minutes and if I didn't hurry up, it would take me another 5 minutes to push through the sea of hungry juniors. Plus, I was kind of scared. When had I told her my last name?

"Stupid juniors," I muttered under my breath while I tried getting to class, "Why does Parker have to date them? Why can't he have stalker's his own age?"

After a few minutes of muttering insults and pushing a few people, I made it to the door of Mr. Adams's classroom. 

I had spent a good eighteen minutes in the "restroom" and now I was undoubtedly getting detention. But I'll forget once I see Will running through the halls in his Spiderman underwear. Don't ask how I know he has Spiderman underwear.

"Miss Collins." Mr. Adams scowled as he saw me come in. "Everything all right? How was your twenty minute break?"

I was about to say it had not been twenty minutes, but thought better of it and looked down at the floor. I didn't want to give him another reason to be mad at me.

The bell suddenly rang, making all my classmates stop staring and start collecting their things. "You may leave- except for you, Miss Collins." Mr. Adams threw a stern look my way and gestured for me to go over his desk.

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