Chapter 3

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Ch3-*in Kyouya's P.O.V.*

'Grrr. What was taking that woman so long?' I thought irritated after only waiting fifteen minutes. First I had to deal with Ranka and second I had to figure out where Haruhi put her clothes. Finally almost getting lost on the way to the café. And now to make matters worse… I can't get the image of Haruhi in her pink bra and innocent white underwear. I shook my head to keep those thoughts out of my head. After all I wasn't like those idiots Tamaki, Kaoru, and Hikaru. I wasn't in love with her. And what's worse is that I had to be on a crowded side of the street and got groped by this creep! I made sure that he got arrested for sure. It'll be on the news probably later. Headlines: Anonymous girl arrests neighborhood groper. I snickered at the thought. 'Haruhi would be so pissed to learn I caused a bit of a scene, but since they don't know it was her it'll be fine.'

I heard the bells of the café go off and saw myself walk in. 'It's so weird seeing myself through another's eyes. At least she knows how to dress well in boys clothes and pick something unflashy.' I was appraising Haruhi for dressing and wearing my glasses to hide her expression which was plain worry. I raised my hand and waived her, me, over. "Over here… Kyouya-sempai." She saw me and walked towards me with hunched shoulders. I glared at her, "An Ootori walks with pride Haruhi, straighten up." She immediately straightened her back and sat down. "Sorry." She muttered under her breath. I excused her for the moment.

"So how did this happen?" Haruhi asked as if I might have a clue. Which at the moment I thought of what black magic could have caused this… 'Black magic! That's it!' Kyouya thought.

"Maybe Nekozawa-sempai had something to do with it?" and Haruhi, me, looked as if a light bulb went on.

"That's it! Yesterday at the club Nekozawa was at the door that's randomly there when we were talking!" Haruhi mentioned making us think back to the discussion in the club room.

*Yesterday*-Normal P.O.V.*

The host club was almost done, but the ladies stuck around till the end as if always expecting a grand finale. The theme was "Commoners school fashion" or the "Gakuen uniform" the uniform that's all black, button up, and long sleeves. Their manager Renge suggested it and it was a big hit with the moe fan-girls. The twins wore it unbuttoned showing the white collar short beneath with a little bit of collarbone showing. Kaoru started their brothers love show by saying all embarrassed, "But Hikaru I want to button up my shirt. I feel naked."

Hikaru of course played with a coy smile at his younger twin, "Why? I want to stare at your delicious neck line a bit longer." Their guests were squealing with delight. Hikaru lowered his face to Kaoru's and whispered loud enough for their girls to here. "Later when we get home you won't be so shy then."

"Perfect! Just Perfect!" Renge suddenly appeared (She was good at that sort of thing). Tamaki and Kyouya wore theirs the normal way and Hunny as well. Mori had his open showing a white t-shirt with a skull design making him look like a normal punk instead of a rich, champion of judo guy. Haruhi looked well… Natural in the uniform and was very irritated feeling insulted for her past friends who actually went to schools with that same uniform. 'Damn rich people.' Her statement that was famous. She looked at Kyouya and was amazed how easily that uniform could change his image. Instead of looking like her usual rich bastard he looked like a guy who she could easily approach. Kyouya felt her eyes on him and smirked, "Did you need something Haruhi?"

Haruhi's cheeks flushed, "Nothing. I was just noticing you look different wearing that uniform." 'Please don't get cocky over that compliment.' She thought desperate that he wouldn't elaborate. Saving her from the shadow kings gaze Tamaki bounced on her and excitedly said, "What do you think of my look haruhi?! Don't I look like a normal school boy? Am I your type?" he always halfway flirted with her. He didn't know his own feelings yet. Haruhi rolled her eyes silently thanking the blonde man.

Kyouya was however thinking, 'What does she mean by different? Surely she meant just the outfit.' He decided to drop it and replace his thoughts to making a profit. Haruhi got Tamaki off her back by telling him to get back to his customers. A half hour later they were getting ready to go home. The twins, Hunny, Mori, and Tamaki had engagements to go to leaving Kyouya and Haruhi to finish up. Afterward Kyouya got back on his laptop focusing on his work and his plans to slip the rug right under his fathers feet and gain his respect. And the Ootori company. Haruhi got her bag and noticed Kyouya was still working. She wondered how much stress he must have, but remembered that he said that he had fun being challenged as the third son of the Ootori family. She smiled at the memory how she got to see another side to the shadow king. Haruhi walked to Kyouya and sat opposite of the man in glasses.

"Kyouya-sempai?" She said to get his attention.

"What is it?" He sounded casual, with an edge at getting interrupted in his work.

"Don't you ever take a break? It's gotta be stressful working like that every day." She was truly concerned for her friend. 'Wait did I just consider Kyouya-sempai a friend? Gosh so many new things today' Haruhi thought amazed with herself.

"I don't have time for such nonsense. I wish I was a commoner who could spend time as much as I pleased on useless stuff. But, I am busy with work so if that is all you wanted to know. Have a good evening Haruhi." He dismissed her rudely in his cool voice.

Haruhi glared with all she could than feeling hurt by his words. "Well I wish I was a rich bastard who could do what he wanted, whenever he wanted. I would have all the extra time and money to do so! Goodbye Kyouya-sempai!" She snapped and ran out of the room As she ran she caught the sight of a cat puppet with a dark cloaked figure. The cat being the curse cat Beelzenef. And the man being Nekozawa. Haruhi paid no mind to them then. Kyouya continued to work feeling he'd been a little harsh. 'I'll decrease her debt as a small apology.' He thought and felt appeased he did what was fair. He went home to dinner and worked a little more before showering than falling asleep.

*Back to the Present*-Haruhi's P.O.V.*

"So it was Nekozawa-sempai who caused this." Haruhi was irritated and chugged her coffee with no elegance. Kyouya seemed to think so too and I also think our words were a cause as well.

Kyouya sighed slowly drinking his coffee and I noticed he put me in a good outfit. Jeans and a t-shirt. Dad must have been asleep to not have put him in something frilly and pink. I thought of Kyouya-sempai in a frilly pink dress like the one I wore at the beach house. I held in my laughter to not get questioned by the shadow king who is currently in my body. He managed to make me look intimidating.

"And you failed to mention this earlier Kyouya-sempai?" He said playing as me and managing to sound like his shadow king self. I flinched and he snapped. "Don't flinch! An Ootori doesn't show weakness to anyone."

"Yes…" Feeling like crying and lowering my head. Now that we confirmed that it was Nekozawa was involved we discussed what to do and how to act like each other. Strange how you get to know people huh Mom?

"If you make my body cry in public I will increase your debt to the impossibility of ever paying it back." He threatened in MY cool voice. How the heck can he manage to make me scared of myself? Mother what am I going to do?

Authors Note: Sup! I don't own anything and not making any profit as said in past chapters! Thanks for being patient with me! I hoped you liked this Chapter! Until next time Tata!

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