30. Keep her away from me

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So, Password Incorrect has been reposted, for those of you who didn't know. And there's also a couple new chapters for it.

Mostly I've gotten back in the hang of updating this book at least once a week, and I'll be doing the same for Password Incorrect as much as I can.

Thanks, and enjoy!

Thirteen's POV

"What the hell just happened?" Jason mumbles as he rubs at his head.

Lily hides the taser behind her back. "Not my bad," She says. We all look pointedly at her. She shrugs.

"We could ask you the same question," Chase says as he holds his hand out and hauls Jason to his feet.

"What are you talking about?" Jason questions.

"You've been missing for months now. We've been looking for you."

Jason looks at all of us in confusion. "Now I really don't know what you're talking about."

Chase gives him an incredulous look. "Do you remember the last time we saw each other? Do you remember Garrett hitting you in the head with that metal chair?"

"Yeah . . . what's the problem?"

Lily snickers, Devin rolls his eyes, Zack looks like the entire conversation is boring him, Sam's got a blank look on his face, I glare at Jason, and Chase looks like he's going to strangle him. Jackson rocks back on his heels, hands his pockets, an amused smile on his face.

"What's the problem?" I repeat, my voice deadly calm. Lily sticks her fist in her mouth and turns away, her body shaking in silent laughter. "The problem is that the last time we saw you were on your death bed and then you vanished and we don't hear from you for months. You basically dropped off the face of the earth and now we find you again, following this idiot." Jackson lets out a protest when I point my finger at him.

"Dude," Devin starts. "you'd have to be pretty crappy at following people for him to pick you out. I'm embarrassed for you." Jackson glares at Devin.

Jason gives us a look of confusion. "I wasn't following him. I was following someone else. He went into the club and I was waiting for him to come back out."

"Huh, I hope it wasn't the guy I tazed. Cause in that case you're going to be waiting for a long time."

Jason turns and gives Lily a look, and then studies her closely. His eyes narrow in confusion and then widen in shock. "Lily?" He turns from her and to me and back again. "I thought she was . . . and what's Zack doing here?"

"You've kind of missed out on some things," Devin says.

Lily narrows her eyes at Jason. "How do you know who I am?"

Jason just points at me.

Lily nods. "Makes sense." She continues to study him, eyes narrowed. Finally, she turns to me. "I don't like him."

Jason narrows his eyes at her. "You tazed me. If anything, I shouldn't like ­you."

"Yeah but I can get away with doing that stuff."

"Give me one good reason why."

"I'm cute."

Jason gives her a look of bewilderment before turning to me. "Is she for real?"

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