It's no excuse- 68

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Bakugou pov
Red was panicking. "Argh he kind of just kissed me." He said, his voice wobbly. It took me a moment to fully process what he meant.
"He what!"
"No, he definitely kissed me." Red's eyes were fixed to the floor. As I walked over to him, I could feel my temperature rising; I was mad.
"Why did he kiss you!" I yelled, shaking his shoulders. "What happened Red?"

We had sat down on a few chairs where he explained the whole situation. It frustrated me, I came down to congratulate him, not to hate Uchida more than I already did. So many emotions were in my head; anger at Uchida in general, rage at how he kissed Red, and confusion as to why he did it. "I can't believe he likes you." I finally spoke, sounding flabbergasted and spiteful.
"Well he may not like me-"
"No, he kissed you. He likes you." I interrupted, not allowing his head to spin any further. "Obviously he was hoping for a 'Katsuki/Eijirou' sitch, you kiss then confess your undying love. Well not this time asshole." I sneered, speaking as if directly to Uchida. I stood up just to be pulled down by the strong tug of Eijirou.
"So what are we going to do?" He asked, our faces close. We both knew that we had been put in a position with a few possibilities, and we had to decide which was best. Option one was to take the moral high ground, option two was to call him out. We could be kind, compassionate, or we could be spiteful and embarrass him. Just thinking about going easy on that boy made my skin crawl.
"He's still an ass. Yeah he kissed you, who knows what that kid's going through, but it's no excuse."

The tournament rules weren't as normal as the Sports Festival. Since there were so many students, they changed it so for every win, your school would gain a point. The two schools with the most points would head to the final, choosing one kid in the class to fight. We were in the final, as well as Korimona High School; we weren't worried. As Red and I got back to the group, we needed to nominate a player. Clearly I was the best choice. "Right, I'll do it." I called casually, putting my hand in the air. I was trying to mask my inner rage.
"Are you sure that's the best idea Bakugou," I turned to Aizawa, who was standing over all of us. "If you win, you get to make a speech at the end. Judging from the Sports Festival, you aren't the best at them."
"Oh I'll be fine." I scoffed.
"It may be bias but I vote Katsuki." Said Red, still slightly shaken up from the kiss, as was I.
"Well is everyone in agreement?" Asked Iida to the group, who all nodded almost unwillingly. I smirked to myself.

Of course I didn't feel threatened as I stood across from the opponent. She was tall and thin, with short grey hair and glasses. Her name was Kili, and I already knew her quirk from her precious game. She could change the state of objects; solid, gas, liquid. Luckily that would do very little against my explosions. As the horn sounded, I immediately sprinted towards her whilst her hands were on the floor. Quickly, the ground was a thick, earthy liquid. I rolled my eyes; predictable. Launching myself into the air, I directed my body to land practically on top of her, taking her down to the solid floor behind her. Usually I'd like to make a show of it, but I knew what was next. 'Make sure you don't let all your anger out on that poor girl, okay!' Red's words echoed in my head as I made sure she didn't fall too violently. Gasps erupted from the audience as the horn signalled the end. The battle probably lasted half a minute, maybe less. As I stood in the arena, my heart began to race. I was going to have a speech, one directed to a certain someone. "Well, err- wasn't that quick!" Boomed Sakura's voice in the microphone; she walked towards me as I got off the girl, giving her a hand to help her up. She willingly took it. "Bakugou, you really are something else!"
"But well done Kili, you were great." Charlotte added, putting her arm over the girl and taking her to the side.
"So Bakugou, you're school has won, how does that feel!" Sakura exclaimed, holding the mic under my mouth.
"Expected." I said, sounding almost bored. I felt kind of bad since Sakura didn't know how to bounce off that.
"Oh, well- err- since you've won, you get to do a speech! Here." She laughed quickly, handing me the microphone. As I took it, I looked up to Red who was almost shaking, staring at me seriously.
"Okay then." I cleared my throat, thinking back to whenever I'd suddenly start speaking deep and powerful, like I knew what was going on. I thought back to sitting outside of Momo's house, or the aftermath with Red's parents. "Alright, okay. As some of you may know, I'm currently dating that red-haired, beautiful boy, Eijirou Kirishima," I heard mumbling from the audience, Sakura raised an eyebrow over at the side of the arena. "Now I love him, he's great. I love dating him and holding his hand and kissing him and all that. However, with this, we also get hate." Suddenly, I could hear the raspiness coming into my voice, the anger and annoyance. "We have to face homophobia from a lot of people, now I mean a lot; kids, parents, people in the street, even people from our past," I found my direction, I knew where I was going. I looked up the stands and saw the morbid, ill-looking face of Uchida, staring blankly at me. "Now, we've been called every name under the sun, I won't say them as I'm sure you already know. And the thing is, we've probably heard all of them on this trip." I began walking forward. "You know what, and they've all come from the same boy. Now this boy is arrogant, rude, viscous, homophobic, and above all else," I paused. "a hypocrite." I then couldn't take my eyes of Uchida; his eyes had tears in them. "Yes you heard me. Because in fact, the boy had been bullying my Red, also kissed him-"
"Maybe that's enough-" called Charlotte, cautiously walking over.
"No, it's not." I growled. "This boy is evil, but he's also scared, and hates himself. However I don't see this as an excuse to not call him out. So with that, this boy's name is," as I prepared my final words, I watched his face. Tears streamed down his pale cheeks, his eyes were puffy and hurt. In that moment, I could almost feel the pain and confusion in himself, the self-hate and the depression. I could feel him. It went against every one of my instincts, every fiber of my being, but I just knew it wasn't right. "this boy's name is- never mind. He understands my message now."

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