28. Letting Go

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I was having a serious case of deja vu.

It took fifteen minutes of us sitting in awkward silence to realize this happened the morning after the very first party at Jungkook's place.

Only this time we were in a hospital. Also this time we're facing the tense aftermath of Jungkook and Taehyung's full blown fist fight in the driveway.

I was fully dressed in a hoodie and jeans that Jin, being the most amazing best friend that he is, brought for me from Jungkook's place.

We're now sitting in the hospital cafeteria, Jungkook on my right, Jin on my left while Taehyung and Jimin planted themselves across from us. I stared down at my baked potato and broccoli, pushing it around my plate with a spoon to distract myself from the uncomfortable lull between the five of us. 

Suddenly Jin cleared his throat. "So, Taehyung, you don't look as bad as I thought you would." 

'Well that's not how I was hoping he would start it off,' I sighed internally and forced a piece of veggie past my lips.

Taehyung stared at Jin for a moment before stabbing his utensil into a steamed carrot with a bit too much force on his plate. The only telltale that there was any altercation between the two at all is a small bruise that's now more of a yellowish hue under Taehyung's left eye, Jungkook's face completely clear of any scrapes or bruises to my surprise.

"Yeah, well, he's not as strong as he looks," Taehyung taunted, smiling menacingly at Jungkook who stopped chewing his food midway to glare daggers back at Taehyung.

"You think so? We can test that theory of yours out again if you'd like," Jungkook threw back casually, examining his knife carefully as if it's a prized possession. 

I saw how Taehyung froze in uneasiness for a split second before composing himself; Jungkook didn't seem to take notice. I rolled my eyes at their childish behavior but Jimin seemed to snort at Jungkook's retaliation, completely entertained. 

"We're not gonna be testing any theories out," I scolded, leaning back in my chair while tonguing the inside of my cheek in annoyance. 

Both men gave each other one last hard look before turning back to their trays of food.

"Y/n, can I talk with you," Taehyung began, taking in how Jungkook's head shot up. "and by that I mean alone."

I nodded my head, chewing on the inside of my cheek anxiously. 'Might as well get this talk over with so I can move on with my life.'

"Woah, hold on a second," Jungkook began desperately as me and Taehyung stood up.

"No, Jungkook. It's okay, you can trust me."

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