Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Blake’s POV

I think for the first time in my life, I was hyperventilating. The pain I just felt, was nowhere near the mental pain of knowing the truth. Kyle was still standing there, as pail as a bleach white sheet, I could tell he was shaken up because of his heartbeat.

“Please tell me you’re joking” I growled, lowering my head to look at the floor. All Kyle did was place his left hand on his temples, his palm covering his forehead.

“I’m sorry, Blake, but it’s the only conclusion I’m coming to, besides I learnt that off numerous books and lessons” If there was one thing Kyle was good at, it was never forgetting anything; I had to trust him on this.

“What do I do?” I almost wailed, trying to keep my cool. I felt like curling into a ball and start rocking back and forth.

“We’ve tried tracking her for two whole days, and none of the packs in America have seen, heard or smelt her, we also don’t have a pack connection to her” he sighed, I could tell this was really affecting him, these past few days I was as useful as a piece of gum in your hair; not helping at all.

My wolf had gone berserk and I couldn’t count how many times I’ve shifted because of a simple vision or if the trackers had come up with nothing. I was probably going bald as well from the amount of hair-tearing I’ve done.

But this time my wolf was getting out of control.

My bones started to crack as my wolf was desperate to be let out; growls and whines escaped my lips as I hurriedly gestured for Kyle to leave the room. I was too far gone to stop and before I knew it, my clothes were in shreds around me and I was seven feet tall. Feeling my wolf try to take full control, I slumped down into the floor and started clawing the carpet.

“Kill him for taking and marking her. Kill!’ My wolf shouted at the top of his lungs, it was then that my wolf completely took over; all I could do was watch from the sidelines as he trashed my room. Cupboards, dressers, walls, carpet even the bed had been destroyed, torn apart and crushed into dust.

By the time my room looked like world war three had took place there, my wolf had backed down, whining and begging for his mate. I would’ve comforted him if it weren’t for the fact that she was my mate as well, and I missed her like hell.

Slouching down against the barely-there wall, I could still feel the after-effects of him marking her, my shoulder stung and throbbed and my stomach was sore. I can’t believe I let that happen to her, she doesn’t deserve it after what she’s been through, why didn’t I just join her to the pack earlier on? We wouldn’t be in this situation if it weren’t for that.

‘Buzz, buzz’ my phone beeped with a message, rolling over I reached out onto the floor to get my phone, it was sitting next to Leera’s and I had a weird longing to hold it.

And it was a phone.

Opening the lock screen, a text popped up from a private number, skimming over it, one word caught my eye- Leera.

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