Chapter 22 - Big Party.

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When everybody has finally finished the preparations for the party.

I stand in front of her room.

"Here goes..."

I knock at her door nervously.

"Yes? Who is it?" she asked behind to door.

"Tegemi, dinner's ready."

"Ok, I'll be right out."

Her tired face appears from inside her dark room.

"Thank you, Mina."

"It's alright."

"Well, let's go."

"Before that..."

"Could you come out of the terrace for a moment?"

"Hmn? Why?"

She looks confused, but follows me out to the terrace.


Waiting for her there is a sumptuous banquet, and everyone's smiling faces.

Hey eyes opened wide in awe.

"Wha..What's going on? What are you all here?"

"This food is amazing! Did you prepare all this Rei?"

"We did this for you Tegemi." Answered Rei.

"For me? Why?"

"We wanted to thank you for always being there for us." Said Rei while taking off the lids of the food she prepared.

"Tegemi, please have a sit." I said while pulling out a chair under the table and offering her to seat.

She looks unsure, but takes a seat.

"Burger steaks and hamburgers! You guys are really spoiling me." She said with gleam.

"Just the way you like them, with melted cheese."

"Mina, did you do this?"

"Well, Reimako made them."

"Hehe, it was nothing and its Mina's idea."

"I bought your favorite wine! Tegemi, let's get drunk!" joked Raika.

(That's not a good idea.)

"Kasumi and I made dessert for after dinner." Boasted Yomiko,

"Let's have lots of fun today." Said Kasumi as she handed us spoon and plates.

Despite everyone's bright faces, Tegemi seems to look distant.

But finally...

Realizing everyone effort.

"You guys, thank you."

She smile with her who heart for the first time since the beginning of the rainy season.

The she mutters, as if she just realized something.

"At times l'm to be your former land lord."

"What are you saying Tegemi we can't accept that introperv at our new landlord." Said Yomiko.

"She's right (not about the introperv part.) I'm just helping you manage the Famille'."

"Yeah, as husband and wife." Jokes Raika.


(Wait did she agree? I hardly heard it, probably just my imagination.)

"Well, now we're all here!"

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written (Tegemi Mikahara/ Misaki Fujinaga RouteWhere stories live. Discover now