Chapter 25 - A Date with Destiny.

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A little later, when the rainy season is over.

Tegemi seems a lot more energetic.


I'm in the station to meet Tegemi, returning from a business trip.

"she will be here soon..."

On that day, it rains again.


"Hey, Welcome back! Tegemi."

"Here I am...!

"Sorry to make you come all this way, Mina."

"It's alright, I'm the only one who can drive you home anyway." I smiled.

"Here's an umbrella."

"Thank you, let's go."

We put our umbrellas and walk together to the parking lot.


A car speeds past us, spraying us with water, thinking past I moved in front of her preventing her from getting wet.

"Are you alright? Tegemi."

"Yes, but you're soaking wet!"

"Don't worry about me, though I wished they'd be more considerate to the people walking,"

She turns as white as a sheet, as she grabs my sleeve. She says in a shaky voice.

"Let's...Let's get home quickly."

"Please, let's just go, Mina."


(What's wrong, she look like she seen a ghost or something.)

Just then...

My phone started ringing.

"It's a call from Reimako."

"Give me a minute,Tegemi."


"Yes, hello? Rei?"

"Ah, Mina sorry to call you all of a sudden."

"Would you be able to stop off at the supermarket?"


"Thank you! I'll just text you the list."

"Please do, thanks."


(We're a little past the supermarket, I can turn back but...)

A screech of a car can be heard from a distant, and it seems to be heading towards us.

"Tegemi! Watch out!!"

I unconsciously move toward her push her away and...

It happens so quickly, I have no idea what's going on, all I can feel is the rain falling down my face.

(I can't move...)

(Tegemi! Is she okay?!)

My consciousness is quickly skipping.


"Mina!!! Don't move okay, I'll call for an ambulance!"

"Oh,'re...okay~" giving her a comforting smile I began to lose my consciousness.


Her yelling my name seems to be fading by every second.

As my consciousness fades, I feel my eyes closing slowly.

Of course I have to send the MC to the hospital it's a known tradition here in this series...xD

I kind of skip it in Reimako's arch though but hey, there's still the secret stories so fingers cross...XD

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written (Tegemi Mikahara/ Misaki Fujinaga RouteWhere stories live. Discover now