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Jacks POV-

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

I said and I grabbed Olivia and put her behind me

"I came alone, now Olivia let's go-"

He said closing the door and walking closer to us and I quickly opened the box and pulled out the gun

"Get the fuck out of my house!"

I said pointing it at him and he stopped

"Jack what are you doing?!"

Olivia said

"Is it that necessary to bring out a gun"

He said so calmly like if he wasn't scared but I didn't buy it

"Back the fuck up!"

I said when I saw him take one step closer


I heard Olivia call me

"Go upstairs, now!"

I told her

"Jack what are you doing-"

"Go now Olivia!!"

I screamed and I see her leave

"Hmm, really think you made a good choice there"

He said and I got confused

"Come on, put the gun down"

He said walking closer and I switched to safety switch off

"I'm not joking Zac, leave my fucking house and leave me and MY Girlfriend ALONE!"

I said with anger in me

"Yeah no, she might make it seem like she's "in love" with you but she's actually not. I mean have she told you all the things we've been doing back at my house? No, hmm she's having a blast over there. It's not that hard to just make her switch..."

He said and I wasn't believing him

"Olivia would never do that, so all these lies your telling me I'm not buying them"

I said

"Don't believe me then, but I gotta say it was great having her back with me, in bed-"

He said as I shot the floor with him falling

"STOP! I'm giving you this warning right now, next one goes on you"

I said and he got up

"Nice warning big guy"

He said taking out a gun and shooting it at my gun making me drop it and I look at my hand as I saw blood gushing out and I fell to my knees

"Let me go! Jack!!"

I heard Olivia yell and zac walked up to me and pointed the gun at me

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