(34) Finally.

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Chapter 34- Finally.

I was finally back in his arms and he was back in mine.

We stayed sat on the floor for a while, just basking in eachothers company and bodily warmth.

My arms were around Kyle's body, and his around mine. His head rested on the top of my shoulder and right now, I wouldn't want it any other way.

"It had been the worst night of my life," he whispered.


"Knowing you had given up on us, thinking you didn't love me or maybe you were so mad you were disgusted with me, it was a rough night, Cal," he continued. My throat hitched and my eyes welled up because of his small and vulnerable voice. He was still hurt, I knew that. "They say boys don't cry, but they do, we're humans too, we have emotions and feelings and we maybe just as emotional as you are. I'm not afraid to crack my hard exterior, or to show my true emotions because I want you to see how much I need you when you're gone,"

"I'm sorry," I sniffed. I stroked his soft tangled hair as I kissed his forehead.

We stayed in silence for what seemed like hours. We didn't need to talk, we could feel everything we needed to.

I know I promised him I would stay, and I know I completely ruined that trust he built up regarding that, and I was sorry for ruining it. I knew it would take some time but maybe this brought us closer in the long run, I was hoping it did.

And even after all this, I'm hoping and praying that we raised enough money for Bill and Mary.

Suddenly, my phone started ringing in my pocket. I took it out and answered.

"Hey," it was my father. "You made up with Kyle yet?"

"How do you know?" I asked down the phone as I sat up straighter. Kyle moved slightly to make me more comfortable.

"You're not home so I assume,"

"Why are you home? I thought you had work," I replied.

"I quit, I'm too tired to work," was his only reply. My eyebrows reached my hairline, and I knew he couldn't see it anyway.

"Wow seriously?"

"It's for the best," he said. "Anyway, I wanted you to ask Kyle up for dinner,"

"Okay, I'll ask him,"

"Good, see you soon, don't be late, come home about 4," he demanded.

"Okay, dad, bye,"

"Bye, love," everytime I spoke to him my heart constricted and my eyes just became full of tears. I hated it, I hated knowing that he was living with an illness and there was nothing I could do about it.

I wondered if Tammy knew about it, and I was hoping she came to dinner tonight too.

"What's the matter?" Kyle breathed into my eat gently. My eyes were watery, but the years hadn't left yet.

"Nothing," I shook my head.

"Don't lie to me," he demanded with a soft and caring tone.

"It's just hard, with my father and all. It's hard knowing what the future will bring," he wrapped his arms around me tighter and I laid my head in his chest.

"It's okay, you've got me, you'll always have me,"

"I know," I whispered. "I think we need to clean this room," I continued, changing the subject. He loosened his arms around me and took a look around.

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