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 "well girls all of us should get to bed" Darry sighed. "Goodnight" all of the girls replied. Sabrina gets the couch to sleep on. The rest of the girls get to sleep on the floor. "Hey Trin you awake?" Jenna asked. "Yeah why?" Trinity replied. "Well I am going to Pony's room to sleep I can't sleep on the hard floor" Jenna replied with a slight giggle. "Okay Jenna" Trinity said cautiously. Jenna silently crept to pony's room.  Jenna entered the room silently. She climbed on the bed and curled up on the bed. Jenna looked at pony with a flirty smirk. She looked at him for a while when suddenly he opened his eyes. Suprised he said "WOAH what are you doing in my bed?" Jenna giggled "Well a girl like me can't sleep on a rock hard floor it hurts my back" Jenna said flirtatiously. She then leaned over and kissed  him on the lips. "Did anyone ever tell you how sexy you are?" Jenna said with a slight giggle. "thank you" pony replied. "No problem sweetheart" Jenna said in a polite tone. "I am going to get a drink from the faucet you need anything" pony said. "well handsome you can also get me a glass of water" Jenna said ecstatically. "Okay I will do you need anything else?"  pony asked "Nope that will be fine thanks" Jenna said smiling. pony goes to the faucet and gets two glasses and fills them with water. pony goes back to his room and hands Jenna a glass of water. "Thanks pony you are nice" Jenna said smiling. Jenna drinks the water. She finishes the water. she and pony begin making out. "your so hot" pony said as he brushed the hair from my face. Trinity and Brandice hear Jenna and pony talking so they creep into pony's room and when they entered the room their faces froze the both burst out laughing. Brandice and trinity see Pony and Jenna making out. Jenna and Pony are both in shock that Trinity and Brandice saw them "Really you two" Jenna said Embarrassed. "what" Trinity said with a burst of laughter. "why would you do that to me" Jenna said with disappointment "Oh stop Jenna" Brandice said with a smile. "Now can you please go so we can go to sleep" pony said angrily. "geez I guess we don't want to piss him off" Trinity said. "Yeah I guess not" Brandice said with a giggle. They both leave. Jenna and pony go to bed.

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