Too Much Attitude

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Dad- "Lissy lets go"!

Lissy- "Why do I have to go. Can't I stay home"?

Dad- "No you may not. And we have been over this. We are going to get your school supplies" I said grabbing my wallet and keys.

Lissy- "I don't see why I have to do school"

Dad- "One, it's required by government that you go to school. Second, to get an education. Third, you asked me to go to public school when originally the plan was the do online school. So I said yes, I hope I dont get any calls from the principal this year" I said while grabbing the list of things we need to get.

Lissy-  "Can't make any promises"

Dad- "I can promise you this. You will find yourself grounded and sore bottom" I said seriously

Lissy- "Fine lets get this over with"

Dad- "Hold it"

Lissy- "What"?

Dad- "Change your clothes"

Dad- "Change your clothes"

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Lissy- "Why"?

Dad- "Because you are not allowed to wear clothes like that. Now go change"

Lissy- "No"

Dad- "Allyssa go change. Now"

Lissy- "No

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Lissy- "No. I don't want to"

Dad- "1........2.........." I said while walking towards her.

Lissy- "Fine. I'll go change" I realized he was coming towards me.

Dad- "Put something more appropriate"

Lissy- "K"

Dad- "Excuse me"?

Lissy- "Ugghhh......Yes Sir"

Dad- "Try again"

Lissy- "Yes Sir"

-Few moments later-

Lissy- "Better"?

Lissy- "Better"?

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